




1.事件日志 ... EventLog- 系统日志纪录服务,用于查找系统毛病.自动 NVIDIA Driver Helper service:nvidia 显卡帮 …

4.事件记录文件 ... DistributedTransactionCoordinator( 分布式交易协调器) EventLog( 事件记录文件) IndexingService( 索引服务) ...

5.事件记录设置 cppbook 启动“剪贴簿”服务。 eventlog 启动事件日志服务。 messenger 启动“信使”服务。 ...


1.No Eventlog log file could be opened. The Eventlog service did not start.无法打开事件日志文件。事件日志服务未启动。

2.As you can see from Listing 1, the EventLog class lets you access all the event logs through the GetEventLogs function.您可以看到,EventLog类使您能够通过GetEventLogs函数访问所有事件日志。

3.Event Log viewer lets you view events or feed items in a time pne.事件日志(EventLog)查看器允许您查看事件或某个时间线中的订阅源(Feed)。

4.Describes the language elements used in EventLog component programming.描述EventLog组件编程中使用的语言元素。

5.Describes how to use an installation component to configure server resources needed for your EventLog component instance.描述如何使用安装组件配置EventLog组件实例所需的服务器资源。

6.This value can then be passed to the EventLog. CreateEventSource Method to designate your thread as an event source for each thread.然后,可以将该值传递给EventLog.CreateEventSourceMethod,从而将您的线程指定为每个线程的“事件源”。

7.The EventLog event class indicates that events have been logged in the Microsoft Windows event log.EventLog事件类指示已将事件记录到MicrosoftWindows事件日志中。

8.From the designer, double cpck on the EventLog component for which you want to create a handler.在设计器中,双击要创建处理程序的EventLog组件。

9.You can now use custom DLLs for EventLog messages, parameters, and categories.现在您可以对EventLog消息、参数和类别使用自定义DLL。

10.For more information, see Introduction to the EventLog Component.有关更多信息,请参见EventLog组件介绍。