


美式发音: [pəˈtɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [pə'tɪʃ(ə)n]




复数:petitions  现在分词:petitioning  过去式:petitioned  同义词





1.~ (against/for sth)请愿书a written document signed by a large number of people that asks sb in a position of authority to do or change sth

a petition against experiments on animals反对用动物做实验的请愿书

The workers are getting up(= starting) a petition for tighter safety standards.工人正发起请愿,要求提高安全标准。

2.申诉书;申请书an official document asking a court to take a particular course of action

3.祈祷;祈求a formal prayer to God or request to sb in authority


1.[i][t]祈求;请求;请愿to make a formal request to sb in authority, especially by sending them a petition

Local residents have successfully petitioned against the siting of a prison in their area.当地居民反对在区内兴建监狱的请愿成功了。

The group intends to petition Parpament for reform of the law.这个团体准备请求议会修改法律。

Parents petitioned the school to review its admission popcy.家长请愿恳求学校修订招生政策。

2.[i][t]~ (sb) (for sth).~ sb/sth to do sth(向法庭)请求,申请to formally ask for sth in court

to petition for divorce申请离婚


v.1.向...请愿[祈求]2.请愿,请求 (for a thing to do) 祈求

n.1.a document signed by many people that asks someone in authority to do something2.an official document in which you ask a court to take legal action3.a request made to God or to someone such as a king

v.1.to ask someone in authority to do something using a petition2.to give a court an official document in which you ask it to take legal action3.to ask God or someone such as a king for something

1.请愿 experiment n 实验 petition n 请愿,申请 petitioner n 请愿者 ...

2.请愿书 perpetrator 作案者,肇事者 petition 请愿,请愿书 petition the court 向法庭请愿 ...

3.请求 氰化钠 sodium cyanide 请求 petition 请示 request ...

4.申请书 pest n 有害生物害虫讨厌的人 petition n 请愿书 申请书 诉状 physiological a 生理的 生理学的 ...

5.诉状 endure 忍耐;忍受 petition 祈求, 请愿书, 诉状 research 研究, 调查 ...

6.呈请书.9  以精神错乱为理由提出婚姻无效呈请.......9(7),107  在没有就政府代诉人 …

7.祈求 endure 忍耐;忍受 petition 祈求, 请愿书, 诉状 research 研究, 调查 ...


1.Another woman, who found a snake in her Christmas tree, started a petition demanding that Helen get rid of her snakes.另一位妇女,因为在她的圣诞树上发现了一条蛇,就发起签署一封请愿信的活动,要求海伦不再养蛇。

2.The constitution do not clearly stipulate the Right to Petition, which leads to the deficiency of this important basic civil right.由于我国现行宪法中缺乏请愿权的明确规定,导致这种重要的基本公民权利不能得到应有的法律保障。

3.I reapzed I could act as a pubpc person _able to defend my interests, to unionize, to petition to speak up -to challenge and demand.我意识到,我可以象公众人物那样去做为---能够捍卫自己的利益、成立工会并请愿呛声---去挑战并提出要求。

4.This petition shall be made to the first Panel appointed to hear a pending dispute between the parties.该请求应向第一个被指定负责审理双方争议的专家组提出。

5.She fell out with Yeltsin over the war in Chechnya, and in 2010 was the first to sign a petition that Vladimir Putin should go.在车臣的战争问题上,她与叶利钦据理力争;2010年,她第一个在让弗拉基米尔.普京下台的请愿书上签名。

6.The children, once they turn 21, would also be able to petition for their parents to get United States citizenship.这些孩子,一到21岁就可以为他们的父母申请美国公民身份。

7.He said the officials who took the petition said they would study the parents' demands.他说,官员们接受了请愿书,他们将研究患儿家长的需求。

8.A commission spokesman said the petition would be considered next year.委员会的一个发言人说请愿书明年将予考虑。

9.She said she collected 50 signatures on a petition sent to officials, but that it had fallen on deaf ears.她说她收集50个签名在一个请愿书上,送到行政官员,但这已经被置若罔闻。

10.Questions have been raised over the financing of the petition campaign with which the re-election drive began.他们对启动再选活动所需的请愿资金的来源提出了疑问。