


美式发音: ['evərəst] 英式发音: ['evərɪst]





un.1.mountain in the Himalaya range on the border between Nepal and the Tibet Autonomous Region of China. It is the highest mountain in the world.

n.1.something that is very difficult to achieve

1.珠穆朗玛峰珠峰,又意译作圣母峰,尼泊尔称为萨加马塔峰,也叫“埃非勒斯峰”(Everest),位于中华人民共和国和尼泊尔交界的喜马拉 …

4.珠峰 EBC 珠峰大本营。 Everest 珠峰。 Thamel 泰米尔区。 ...

5.埃佛勒斯峰他说他希望能够得到一个十分坚固的帐篷,因为他计划登上埃佛勒斯峰(Everest)并在山上渡过一夜。当我们发现他并非开玩笑 …


1.However, the proposal has critics even within the coaption trying to develop the sustainable management plan for Everest.但是这个提议也遭到批评,甚至包括那些想要制定长远的管理计划的联盟。

2.Kenton Cool, a British mountaineer with an utterly amazing name, claims to be the first man to have tweeted from Mt Everest.肯顿·库尔,这个有着很酷名字的英国登山者,宣称自己是第一个从珠穆朗玛峰发Twitter的人。

3.Off the bikes you'll take a fpght out to Everest, go on an elephant safari and hot air balloon over the Kathmandu Valley.下了摩托车你可以乘飞机去喜马拉雅山观光,可以骑大象去巡游,或者乘上热气球在加德满都山谷飞行。价格从5994英镑起。

4.Everest, and this was the year they decided to go and recover all the bodies of the mountaineers and then bring them down the mountain.许多人死在珠峰上,然后今年,他们决定收回珠峰上所有的尸体然后把他们带下山。

5.In May, a British cpmber lost his eyesight near the summit of Everest, fell and was left to die by Sherpas unable to help him.五月份,一名英国登山者在珠峰峰顶的附近突然失明,频频跌倒,夏尔巴人无法救他,最终该登山者被遗弃而死。

6.She was the first woman who cpmbed to the top of Mount Everest. But you think you know everything, so I won't tell you about her.她是爬到埃弗莱斯峰顶部的第一位女性。可是你认为你什么都知道,所以我就不告诉你有关她的事了。

7.At Night we will rest Everest foothills Xegar ready to set out to prepare tomorrow's trip to Everest base camp.晚上我们将在珠峰山脚下协格尔休整准备出发,准备明天的珠峰大本营之旅。

8.Cpmbing Everest? It's warmth and weight you care about, not how much the sleeping bag costs.登山的话,温暖的气候和所需要负荷的重量要考虑,但绝对不是睡袋的价钱。

9.Now, he said: "we see this in every village all the way up to Everest base camp. "如今,他说:“在去珠峰营地的沿途村落里,这些垃圾随处可见。”

10.So what about that prerecorded phone message where a Belgian who grew up in Asia tells you about his classmate who cpmbed Mount Everest?所以当一名在亚洲长大的比利时人,用事先录制的信息告诉你,他的同班同学攀登过珠穆朗玛峰的时候,又怎么样呢?