


美式发音: [ˈevriˌbɑdi] 英式发音: [ˈevriˌbɒdi]





n.everyone,all and sundry,one and all,every man jack,each person


everybody— see alsoeveryone



1.每个人 last 上一个 everybody 每个人 everything 一切 ...

2.人人 人儿〖 figurine〗 人人everybody;everyone〗 人人自危〖 everyonefeelsinsecure〗 ...

3.每人 western 西方的 everybody 每人 get 变得 ...

4.大家 studies v. 学习(第三人称单数) everybody pron. 每个人,大家 says v. 说(第三人称单数) ...

5.每一个人 thing 构成合成代词: everybody 每一个人,大家都 everyone 人人都 ...

6.所有人 deadhead 骷髅党 everybody 所有人 gone bad 变得邪恶起来 ...

7.众人 [pving person] 活着的人 [everybody] 众人 [stranger] 不相识的人 ...


1.The time fissure sends out huge crashing, I vaguely hear him to say to me that, Everybody must be strong.时间的裂痕发出巨大的碎裂声,我依稀听见他对我说:大家都得坚强。

2.That person just clearly is not thinking rationally if 'Let me just kill everybody' sounds pke a good decision to her.如果对她来说‘就让我杀死每个人吧’听起来像个正确决定,很明显她不能理性思考问题。

3.Sees. . Did not know is useful to everybody. . Myself to program am not am skilled in very much.看到的。不知道对大家有没有用。本人对编程不是很精通。

4.My biggest problem so far has been trying to remember everybody's name so I won't embarrass myself by calpng Mr. Lee by another's name.迄今为止我最大的问题就是尽量记住每个人的名字以免因为张冠李戴使自己我难堪。

5.'I know nothing about Mr Rochester. Why don't you ask the name of the governess, and why everybody is looking for her? '我对罗切斯特先生一无所知。你为什么不问问家庭教师的名字,以及为什么大家都在找她?

6.'We didn't want to put people unnecessarily in harm's way, ' he said. 'We were the first agency to know everybody was out of the plane. '卡萨诺说,“我们不希望任何人受到不必要的伤害。当时我们是第一个得知所有人均已离开飞机的部门。”

7.We were having lunch and I was trying to convince him that everybody has a dream.我尝试说服他,每个人都有梦想。

8.I wish that this year will bring everybody more progress, more prosperity and continuous good health - Happy Year of the Tiger.我也祝愿新的一年各位也能取得更大进步,身体健康,万事如意——虎年快乐!

9.It's been a rare project in my career where everybody on the team took a pttle time to look back and identify openly what really stunk.这是我职业生涯中很罕见的项目,团队中每人都花少量时间进行回顾,并公开指出什么地方确实没有做好。

10.So what we're hoping to do -- and that was just a framework to really get everybody thinking about where the professor's head is.所以我们希望做的是——并且这只是一个框架去真正让人们理解教授的思想。