


美式发音: [ˈmændi] 英式发音: [ˈmændi]





1.曼蒂 Maggie 玛姬 拉丁 珍珠 Mandy 曼蒂 拉丁 值得爱的 Marcia 玛西亚 拉丁 女战 …


4.陈育嬬 「艋舺」恶搞版 Mongo 魏蔓 Mandy 美女魔术师 Yumi ...

6.蔓蒂 Beatrice 贝蹄斯 Mandy 蔓蒂 Shandy 仙蒂 ...

7.蒋雅文 身 纹身 , 又拍拍…


1.Later, as Mandy Grunwald watched him on TV, she leaned forward and said in astonishment, "He's riffing. "后曼蒂格看他在电视上她俯下身子惊讶地说:“他是弹奏。”

2.Alone, Mandy's mother let him in, and within an hour agreed to assist him in his campaign.曼迪的母亲让他单独一人进屋曼迪让他单独一人进屋,不到一个小时就同意参加他的游说活动。

3."I'm glad to hear it, " Mandy said. This Cal was an odd bird. "What's your background? "“我很高兴听你这么说,”曼迪说。这个卡尔真是个怪胎。“你的背景呢?”

4.Cal stared at Mandy, and she tried to get a read, as he might have put it.卡尔盯着曼迪,她试着读懂他的眼神。

5.The main thing for Mandy was to focus on her goals and keep her eyes peeled for Greg.曼迪最重要的事情是集中于她的目标,看紧格雷格。

6.The tall man was not in cardio ballet the next week, and Mandy did not think of him.高个男子下周并没有在有氧健身芭蕾舞出现,曼迪也没有想起他。

7.One night, Mandy woke near dawn to see her father yanking open her bureau drawers. He stuffed a duffelbag with her tank tops and jeans.一个夜晚,曼迪破晓前醒来看见她父亲正使劲拉开她的衣柜抽屉,往一个帆布包里面塞她的背心和仔裤。

8.Mandy helps move her to a secluded hut, but can she get the rescue party to Nanook in time?曼迪将她转移到了一间安静的小木屋里,但是她能让纳努克得到及时的治疗吗?

9.Mandy: Well, you can either come to one of our stores to sign up for service or do so onpne.曼蒂:好,您可以到我们任何一家门市申办门号服务或是在网路上办理。

10."Thanks, " Mandy said, already mourning the rousing soptude of a few minutes ago. Bitch had snatched her natural rush.“谢谢,”曼迪说,已经开始为前几分钟唤起的孤独感哀悼了。她变得有点儿怒火中烧了。