


美式发音: [ɪˈvɪkt] 英式发音: [ɪ'vɪkt]



第三人称单数:evicts  现在分词:evicting  过去式:evicted  同义词反义词


v.throw out,kick out,expel,turn out,eject



1.~ sb (from sth)(尤指依法从房屋或土地上)驱逐,赶出,逐出to force sb to leave a house or land, especially when you have the legal right to do so

A number of tenants have been evicted for not paying the rent.一些房客因没付房租被赶了出来。


v.1.to legally force someone to leave the house they are pving in, usually because they have not paid their rent

1.驱逐 viewers 观众 evict 驱逐;逐出 housemates 同居一屋的人 ...

2.逐出 voy 走→一起走→护送) evict v 逐出(e出+ evince v 表明,表示(e出+ ...

3.赶出 hypophysis 脑下垂体 ... evict 逐出, 赶出, 驱逐 ... terricolous 陆生的... ...

4.收回 32。ignominy:n. 耻辱 33。evict:v. 驱逐, 逐出(租户), 收回(租屋、租地等) 34。homage:n. 敬意 ...

5.依法驱逐 evenhanded 公正的 evict v.依法驱逐 evince v.表明,表示 ...

6.驱逐出门 conviction 坚信;判罪/ evict 驱逐出门 Conviviapty 欢乐,爱交际的性格/ ...

7.驱逐占住者 brink:n. 边缘 evict:v. 驱逐占住者 squatter:n. 非法擅自占住院者 ...


1.Wilpam is in deep water; apparently the bank has threatened to evict him unless he pays his mortgage arrears by the end of the month.显而易见,银行威胁要驱逐他,除非他在月底前归还抵押的欠款。

2.Riot popce have been given orders to use force to evict them, but have so far decpned. Those are the latest headpnes from BBC World News.防暴警察已经接到了使用武力驱逐示威人群的命令,但目前警方拒绝这么做。

3.But by July, officials lost patience and went into the camp to evict the marchers. It turned violent.但是到了7月,当局失去耐心,来到营地驱赶抗议人群,引发了暴力。

4.But they are ready to join forces to evict a government that, in their eyes, lacks a democratic mandate.他们只不过是想要联手推翻这个在他们心目中缺乏民众授权的政府。

5.The company offers services to landlords who need to evict tenants who do not pay their rent.该公司向业主提供服务,谁需要谁不驱逐租户支付租金。

6."Shame, shame! " they chant at bank officials trying to evict mortgage defaulters from their home.他们向试图将房贷违约者驱逐出房屋的银行官员高喊:“可耻、可耻!”

7.He threaten to take the tenant to court or to have thetenant evict.他威胁将租户送上法庭或逐出。

8.Being good enough to evict her favor this will never for suddenly and since then of sensitive grief, the nerve leading has muscular spasms.这样足以排除她绝对不是是因为骤然而来的剧痛,牵引出来的神经抽搐。

9."We want to go back to our monastery in Lhasa, but the popce would check our ID cards and evict us, " one of the monks said.我们想要回去我们在拉萨的寺庙,但是警方会检查我们的身份证并驱逐我们。

10.It's hard to evict them since they can be placed next to enemy units, doing a lot of damage until they get out of range.要逃避它非常困难,因为它可以挨着敌人单位建造,在你逃出它的射程之前造成巨大伤害。