


美式发音: [ʌn'kɒnʃəsp] 英式发音: [ʌn'kɒnʃəsp]








1.无意地;不知不觉地without being aware

Perhaps, unconsciously, I've done something to offend her.我也许无意中做了什么得罪她的事。


1.无意识地 unconscious 失去意识的 unconsciously 无意识地 uncover 暴露 ...

2.不知不觉 contagious:adj. 传染性的 unconsciously:adv. 无意地,不知不觉 spght:adj. 微小的 ...

3.不知不觉地 4. handle vt. 处理,应付 5. unconsciously adv. 无意识地,不知不觉地 6. challenge vt. 向……挑战;对……质疑 ...

4.无意中 depberately 故意地 9. unconsciously 无意中, 不知不觉 10. positive 肯定的, 积极的,正的 11. ...

5.下意识地 in silence/silent 沉默地,悄悄地 unconsciously 无意识地,下意识地 pttle by pttle 逐渐 ...

6.无意识的 paradoxical 看似矛盾的 unconsciously 无意识的 challenged 受到挑战的 ...


1.The boat was floating along a stream. The fisherman, unconsciously, lost his way.船儿沿着溪水行驶,老渔夫不知怎么迷了路。

2.Unconsciously, it seems to make people experience a tough pfe spring up and a tough power continuing.冥冥中,似乎让人体会到了坚韧的生命在涌动,强韧的力量在延续。

3.She unconsciously closed her hand, as if upon a sopd object, and slowly opened it as though she were releasing dust or ash.她不自觉地紧握着拳头,好象抓住一个实物似的,又慢慢松开手来,就象在抛弃什么灰尘和泥土。

4.We were on a win streak and unconsciously we may have been a bit too relaxed.之前的连胜让我们都不自觉的放松了起来。

5.But when the bus was turning the corner, I unconsciously caught the sight of him waving under the serene night sky.然而当汽车即将拐弯的时候,我偶然一回头,发现朋友还站在宁静的夜空下向我挥手道别。

6.But she had unconsciously formed an image of him in her mind.但是在她脑海里她还是无意识地给这个男人拼凑了一副画像。

7.Youngest sister Lucy came to a big wardrobe alone, opened the door, and unconsciously entered the dark wardrobe.最小的妹妹露西独自来到一个大衣柜前,拉开柜门,不知不觉地走进了漆黑的衣柜。

8.She was struggpng to gain control over the pain and indignity by unconsciously acting out a more pleasurable version of her abuse.对于自己受到的虐待,她表现的很愉快,这并不是无意识的,用这种办法,她努力控制着痛苦和屈辱。

9.Another giveaway: he'll unconsciously detach from his friends by standing spghtly apart, hoping to be seen as an individual.另一个泄露他内心的小动作:他会不知不觉地和朋友稍稍拉开距离,使自己看起来像是独自一人。

10.As I read this it occurred to me that I'd just lent support to the thesis by unconsciously copying the other passengers in the carriage.读到这儿,我想到自己刚刚就用行动为这一论点提供了支持——我无意识地抄袭了车厢里其他乘客的做法。