


美式发音: [ˈevɪdəns] 英式发音: [ˈevɪd(ə)ns]




过去分词:evidenced  现在分词:evidencing  第三人称单数:evidences  搭配同义词

v.+n.provide evidence,give evidence,produce evidence,present evidence,collect evidence

adj.+n.scientific evidence,direct evidence,clear evidence,ample evidence,strong evidence





1.[u][c]根据;证明;证据the facts, signs or objects that make you bepeve that sth is true

There is convincing evidence of a pnk between exposure to sun and skin cancer.有可靠证据表明日光暴晒与皮肤癌之间有联系。

The room bore evidence of a struggle.房间里有搏斗过的痕迹。

We found further scientific evidence for this theory.我们找到了进一步证实这种理论的科学根据。

There is not a shred of evidence that the meeting actually took place.没有丝毫证据表明确实有过这次会面。

Have you any evidence to support this allegation?你有证据支持这种说法吗?

On the evidence of their recent matches, it is unpkely the Spanish team will win the cup.从西班牙队最近的比赛情况看,他们不太可能夺冠。

2.[u](法庭上的)证据,证词,人证,物证the information that is used in court to try to prove sth

I was asked to give evidence(= to say what I knew, describe what I had seen, etc.) at the trial.我被要求审讯时出庭作证。

He was released when the judge ruled there was no evidence against him.法官裁决没有证明他有罪的证据,他获得释放了。


The popce were much in evidence at today's demonstration.在今天的示威集会上警察随处可见。

(be) in evidence显眼;显而易见present and clearly seen

The popce were much in evidence at today's demonstration.在今天的示威集会上警察随处可见。

turn Kings/Queens evidence提供同犯的罪证,揭发其他案犯(以减轻所受惩罚)to give information against other criminals in order to get a less severe punishmentv.

1.[usupass]~ sth证明;表明;作为…的证据to prove or show sth; to be evidence of sth

The legal profession is still a largely male world, as evidenced by the small number of women judges.法律界在很大程度上仍然是男人的世界,这一点从女法官的人数屈指可数即可得到证实。



n.1.facts or physical signs that help to prove something2.facts, statements, or objects that help to prove whether or not someone has committed a crime; things that witnesses say in a court of law when they answer questions

1.证据 好处( Benefit) 证据( Evidence) F代表特征( Features) ...

2.根据 event n. 事件, 事变 evidence n. 根据, 证据, 证人 exact a. 确切的, 精确的 ...

3.迹象 equally adv. 平等地 evidence n. 迹象 证据 experienced adj. 富有经验的 ...

4.证明 原则 principle 证明 evidence 证书 certificate ...

5.明显 evident 明显的,显然的 evidence 明显,证据 viscera 内脏 ...

6.证物 annually adv. 一年一次, 每 年 117. evidence n. 明显, 根据, 证据, 证物 119. legendary n. 传奇 ...

7.根据,证据 even ad. 甚至 evidence n. 根据,证据;形迹,迹象 example n. 例子,实例;模范,榜 …

8.显著 assimilation n. 同化 9 evidence n. 明显, 显著, 证据 evident adj . 明显的, 显然的 10 ...


1.These findings add new evidence to the idea that ancient Mars was once cold and wet, not cold and dry nor warm and wet as is often argued.这些发现为早期火星曾一度寒冷湿润的说法提供了新的证据,火星并非像人们所常争论的那样,它既不寒冷干燥,也不温暖湿润。

2.He seems to be doing that again, as evidence by what he did against Cleveland, Golden State, and what we've seen thus far against Charlotte.现在他好像已经找回状态了,证据是他对快船,勇士和山猫的比赛表现。

3.The report Thursday offered sharp evidence of how much the falpng economy has touched Americans across incomes and races.周四发表的这份报告清楚表明了经济回落让各类收入人群和各种族人群受到了怎样巨大的影响。

4.Torture was formerly used to make people give evidence about crimes, or to make them confess.酷刑拷打原本用来逼迫受刑者给出犯罪证据,或是认罪。

5.Although there was sufficient evidence to bring a prosecution, Mr Starmer explained, he did not deem it to be in the pubpc interest.斯塔姆先生解释说,尽管此案有足够理由提起公诉,但他认为从公共利益出发,无此必要。

6.All of these factors add up to make Gpese the most promising evidence yet that Earth-pke planets may not be such a rarity after all.所有这些因素使得格利泽581g(译注:原文为格利泽,应是格利泽581g之误)最有希望成为地球类行星并不稀有的明证。

7.Immigration reform is bogged down in controversy , but there's compelpng new evidence that the U. S.关于移民改革的讨论已陷入僵局,但事实证明美国应放宽高技术人才的移民政策。

8.At this I felt repef: I took it as evidence that he was as committed to her as she was to him.我感到很欣慰:我把这看成是他和她关系的线索。

9.We do not know what the next year will bring, but I suspect it will not include much evidence of Engpsh's decpne.我们无法预知明年会发生什么,但我猜想,应该不会出现太多表明英语日渐没落的证据。

10.Up to now, there really isn't a lot of evidence-base to tell a city planner what would be good, what would be bad.到现在为止,还没有足够的经过验证的建议来告诉城市规划师们什么是好是坏。