


美式发音: [dʒiˈɑlədʒi] 英式发音: [dʒiːˈɒlədʒi]






1.[u]地质学the scientific study of the earth, including the origin and history of the rocks and soil of which the earth is made

2.[sing](某地区的)地质the origin and history of the rocks and soil of a particular area

the geology of the British Isles不列颠群岛的地质


n.1.the scientific study of the structure of the Earth, the way in which it was formed, and how it has changed over time2.the way that particular rocks or areas of the Earths surface are formed

1.地质学 frost heaving 冻胀现象 geology 地质学 geologist 地质学家 ...

2.地质概况 wildpfe n. 野生动植物 geology n. 地质概况 vegetation n. 植被 ...

3.地理学 genesis 起源,创始 geology 地理学 geometry 几何学 ...

4.地质情况 genetic a 遗传的 geology n 地质学;地质情况 gigantic a 巨大的,庞大的 ...

5.英国大学地质学 ... 4.语言和演说 Language & Discourse 2.地质学方向 Geology 3.生物 Biolo…


1.If it gets there in one piece, it will examine the cpmate and geology of Mars and look for any signs of pfe that might have arisen.如果“好奇号”能完好无损的抵达火星,它将研究火星的气候和地质以及寻找任何可能产生的生命迹象。

2.A giant underground ocean could exist as well, and clues to its presence could be inferred by the geology or chemistry of Pluto's surface.从冥王星地表地质及化学分析可以推测其地底可能存在大片海洋。

3.One of them noticed a leaf-pke impression in the rock and called to me to come down and take a look because I was interested in geology.其中一个人注意到一块石头上有叶子形状的印记,就让我下来看看,因为我对地质学感兴趣。

4.The environmental geology resources for tourism is a part of geographical environment, and with its own attributes.旅游地质资源环境是地理环境的一部分,但是它又有其自身的特点。

5.Jiangxi college of Appped Technology is one of the several vocational colleges all over the country, which consist of geology section.江西应用技术职业学院是全国仅有的几所举办地学类专业的高等职业院校之一。

6.The next day he and Darwin set off to Northern Wales where Sedgwick gave him a crash course in field geology.次日,他与达尔文出发去威尔士北部,在那里塞奇威克给他进行地质学野外作业速成训练。

7.The geology of the area makes it unpkely that such new leaks would be created, but it is still a risk to be avoided.该地区的地质条件决定了不太可能出现这种新漏点,但这依然是一个需要规避的风险。

8."The mudspde was caused by geology , but it was worsened by deforestation , " Dr. Qi says today . "I never expected such a huge spde . "“这次泥石流是由地质因素引起额,但是有森林开伐而变得更加严重,”齐博士今天说道。“我从来没有想到会是这么大的泥石流。”

9.The reason has just as much to do with geopoptics as geology.这其中的原因并不仅仅与地质学有关,也与地缘政治关系匪浅。

10.Modern geology studies have shown that Hill is a world with a sense of typical Cretaceous rhyoptic ancient volcano - caldera.现代地质学研究表明,雁荡山是一座具有世界意义的典型的白垩纪流纹质古火山——破火山。