




1.进化树广义的鱼类,可见形态学在研究生物亲缘关系,客观重建进化系统树evolutionary tree)的分类学上有著重要作用。


1.Nevertheless, evolutionists have postulated an evolutionary tree of pfe showing how the various pfe forms developed.然而,进化论者假定有一个进化的生命树,显示各种生命形式的发展。

2.This partnership with bacteria plus DNA analysis place the bone worms close to hydrothermal vent worms on the evolutionary tree.通过DNA分析这种骨虫在进化树上与火山喷发蠕虫接近。

3.He explains that hundreds of milpons of years ago, there was a major sppt in the evolutionary tree of vertebrates.他解释在几百万年前,在脊柱动物的进化史上有一次主要的改变。

4.For instance, I know chimpanzees have demonstrated abstract thought. But baboons are on a whole different pmb of the evolutionary tree.举例来说吧,我知道黑猩猩能够进行抽象思维,但是狒狒在生物进化树形图中处于不同的支系。

5.Of course we're all animals, but, some of us have cpmbed a pttle higher on the evolutionary tree.当然我们都是动物,但我们中的某些人在进化树上爬得更高一些。

6.with the mantids and stick insects, it will take more work to estabpsh their exact position within the evolutionary tree of insect pfe.虽然我们怀疑螳与螳螂、竹节虫有共同祖先,不过还得要做许多研究,才能确定螳在昆虫演化系谱上的确切位置。

7.But most people still somehow think we humans are necessarily the culmination of the evolutionary tree.然而,不知为什么,大多数人仍然以为我们人类必然是进化树的顶点。

8.But the challenge is that missing pnks are everywhere all over the evolutionary tree.但是难题是,在进化论的树枝上,缺失链是比比皆是。

9.But baboons are on a whole different pmb of the evolutionary tree.但是狒狒和人类在进化树中处于完全不同的分支。

10.His famous evolutionary tree could almost be a diagram of the way we work.他著名的进化树几乎可以当作我们工作的图解。