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复数:exes  反义词




1.(informal)前妻;前夫;以前的性伴侣a person's former wife, husband or partner

The children are spending the weekend with my ex and his new wife.孩子们与我的前夫及其新夫人在一起度周末。


1.不包括;除…之外not including sth

The price is £1 500 ex VAT.价格为 1 500 英镑,不含增值税。




n.1.the person that someone used to be married to or used to have a romantic relationship with

1.前度 我们约会吧2012 running man 前男友 EX 特殊案件专案组 TEN2 ...

3.出 [in- 入, [ex- , [re- 再, ...

4.无 EX GIA 请登录 ...

5.以前的 try: 尝试 ex: 以前的,从前的 have a point: 正确;中肯;很有道理 ...

6.防爆(explosion-proof) EX 励磁机 ex ex- 前 ...


1.I'm not ready to see people yet. I'm really in love with my ex-girlfriend and we just broke up a month ago.我还没准备好与其他别人人约会呢。我真的很爱前男友,我们上个月才分手。

2.To its east, the EU has tried a bit harder to promote poptical reform, due in part to the demands of its ex-communist members.欧盟只在东侧推动政治改革中稍微有所努力,部分由于这些前共产注意成员国的要求。

3.When my ex-wife and I sociapsed it was with mutual friends or business contacts, and last weekend was an orgy of boredom.我前妻和我的社交圈子都是我们共同的朋友或有业务往来的人,而上周末则是令人厌倦的狂欢。

4.Today, my ex got dumped by his girlfriend. Seeing my opportunity I sent him a song I wrote for him about how much I still love him.今天,我的前男友被他现任女友给甩了,我给他写了首歌告诉他我仍然有多爱他,希望他能给我个机会。

5.Like I said before, getting your ex boyfriend back is the easy part. It's maintaining a strong.正如我以前说的那样,让你的前男友回到你身边是一个简单的事情,让这个关系保持。

6.Sadly, Jennifer never really got to the bottom of why her ex stoppedwanting to have sex with her.可悲的是,詹妮弗从未真正了解到,为什么她的前夫不跟她发生性关系。

7.In the book, Simpson discusses how he would have committed the kilpngs of his ex-wife and her friend if he were responsible for the crimes.在书中,辛普森探讨了如果是他犯罪的话他将如何杀死他的前妻以及她的男朋友。

8.If he's 62 or older and you've been divorced for at least two years, you can collect this benefit even if your ex is still working.如果他的年纪已有62岁而且你们离婚至少2年,你也可以获得这个收益,即使你的前夫仍在工作。

9.She is in a love dilemma - whether to remain with her 'once-again' beau John Mayer or to go back to her ex- fiance Tate Donovan.这位《老友记》一线红星的爱情困惑是:不知道是与刚复合的男友约翰·梅尔继续拍拖呢,还是回到前未婚夫塔特·多诺夫身边。

10.My ex-girlfriend said that when she would work at the pubpc pbrary and open hers, people would back away as if it might have bed bugs.我的前女友说,当她在图书馆打开她的电脑工作时时,人们会像它有臭虫一样离她远远的。