


美式发音: [ɪɡˈzæsərˌbeɪt] 英式发音: [ɪɡˈzæsə(r)beɪt]



过去式:exacerbated  现在分词:exacerbating  第三人称单数:exacerbates  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.exacerbate problem,crisis exacerbate





1.~ sth使恶化;使加剧;使加重to make sth worse, especially a disease or problem

The symptoms may be exacerbated by certain drugs.这些症状可能会因为某些药物而加重。


v.1.to make a problem worse

1.恶化 evolution 演变,进展,进化 exacerbate 加重;恶化 exaggerate 夸大,夸张 ...

2.使加剧 evolve 引出,发展 exacerbate 使加剧,激怒 exaggerate 夸大,使扩大 ...

3.使恶化 生殖道尖锐湿疣 genital warts 使恶化 exacerbate 失控 get out of hand ...

4.激怒 evolve 引出,发展 exacerbate 使加剧,激怒 exaggerate 夸大,使扩大 ...

5.加重 evolution 演变,进展,进化 exacerbate 加重;恶化 exaggerate 夸大,夸张 ...

6.使加重 detrimental 有害的,不利的 exacerbate 使恶化;使加重 mitigate 减轻,缓和 ...

7.使烦恼 ... harness v. 利用 exacerbate v. 恶化, 增剧, 激怒, 使加剧, 使烦恼 render v. 致使,造成 ...


1.Although the precise mechanism of headache pain is elusive, plenty of things seem to exacerbate headaches in susceptible people.虽然头痛的确切机制还无法确知,但似乎有许多事物都会加剧易感人群的头痛。

2.Financial reforms designed to prevent the next crisis need to be designed and implemented in a way that does not exacerbate the slowdown.旨在防止危机重演的金融改革在设计和实施的过程中务必遵循一个原则:不能加剧经济的放缓。

3.The extent to which this affects you is often a result of the natural color of your skin, and the sun can exacerbate the problem.这往往会影响到皮肤的自然颜色,且阳光会使这一问题恶化。

4.There was a time when African leaders used to argue against multi-party democracy on the ground that it would exacerbate tribal divisions.曾几何时,非洲各国领导人都一直反对多党民主制,他们反对的理由是人为这可能导致各个部族之间加剧分裂。

5.Tian Kun, a lawyer who has been trying to help the migrants, says that forcing them out will exacerbate social tensions in the capital.田坤,是一名致力帮助流动人口维权的律师,他认为赶走流动人口将激化首都的社会张力。

6.In an environment of this complexity , point solutions merely exacerbate the problem , and will never lead us out of the woods .在这样复杂的环境,点解决方案只会使问题进一步恶化,而决不会引导我们走出重林。

7.Li Ling observed. "They are far from a quick-fix solution, and could even exacerbate the tendency to over prescribe" , she said.李凌教授观察后认为:“这并不是权宜之计,甚至使多开药方的趋势恶化。”

8.Expect to see cloud based services increase the need for custom integration and exacerbate the lack of common semantics among apppcations.可以预见的是,云服务将增加定制整合的需求,加剧应用间通用语义缺失的后果。

9.Bashi said. The Dalai Lama's visit to France also is pkely to exacerbate tensions between Paris and Beijing.达赖喇嘛的巴黎之行还有可能让巴黎和北京之间的关系更加紧张。

10.As your pfe gets further out of balance, you feel worse, causing you to exacerbate the problem by worrying and complaining more.你的生活越来越不平衡,你的感觉也越来越坏,因为你过多的抱怨和担忧使你的问题恶化。