


美式发音: [ɪɡˈzæm] 英式发音: [ɪɡ'zæm]



复数:exams  搭配同义词

v.+n.pass exam,take exam,fail exam,flunk exam

adj.+n.final exam,physical exam,medical exam,national exam




1.(笔头、口头或操作)考试a formal written, spoken or practical test, especially at school or college, to see how much you know about a subject, or what you can do

to take an exam参加考试

to pass/fail an exam考试合格╱不合格

an exam paper试卷

I got my exam results today.我今天得到了考试成绩。

A lot of students suffer from exam nerves .许多学生考试怯阵。

I hate doing exams .我不喜欢考试。

to sit an exam参加考试

to mark an exam阅卷评分

to grade an exam阅卷评分

She did well in her exams .她考试考得好。

She did well on her exams .她考试考得好。

2.(对身体特定部位进行的)检查;体检a medical test of a particular part of the body

an eye exam眼睛检查


n.1.an important test of your knowledge, especially one that you take at school; the paper on which exam questions are printed or on which you write your answers; relating to an exam or exams2.a medical examination

1.考试 中小学教辅( education) 考试( exam) 哲学/宗教( philosophy) ...


3.考试吧 来源:考试吧Exam8网址被屏蔽) ...

4.残酷考 Everyone's Hero( 洋基小英雄) Exam( 残酷考) Eraser( 魔鬼毁灭者) ...

5.考试,测试 save v. 救,挽救;节省 exam n. 考试,测试;检查;审查 everywhere adv. 到处 ...

6.考试系统 count 流量统计 exam 考试系统 from 万能表单系统 ...

7.考试科目 Ext( 分机): Exam考试科目): Test Date( 考试日期): ...

8.认证考试我们承诺使用“TestPassport 全真模拟测试考题”的考生可以一次性通过相关认证考试(Exam),100%包你满意。我们会对一次不 …


1.He might enter a sick child's room and walk right into a wall, or parody doctors by giving a medical exam to a rubber chicken.他有可能走进一个病孩的病房,径直向墙头走去,或者模仿医生给一只塑料鸡检查身体。

2.He forecasted that at least one of his products would pass the exam.他预测他的作品中至少有一样会通过测试。

3.I also remember revising for an exam the night before and me and my mate decided to put a film on for background noise.我还记得某次考试前一天晚上,我和我室友决定把一个电影歌曲放进作品里当背景。

4.Some students might did not do well in the exam and regarded the poor grades as a failure.有些学生考试没考好,把不好的成绩认为是一种失败。

5.Don't choose a day that you know is going to be stressful, such as the day of an exam.不要选择一个你会有压力的日子,例如考试那天。语境。

6.The findings come just over a week after exam results revealed that the gap between boys and girls at GCSE is widening.该项研究结果在英国中学通用教育证书考试成绩公布的一周后推出,今年的考试结果男孩和女孩的成绩差距不断扩大。

7.Morning came and I sat for another written exam for a third company, still thinking about what I had happened yesterday.早晨当我又参加一家共识的应聘笔试时,我止不住想到昨天发生的一切。

8.Flummoxed by his true-false final exam, a student decides to toss a coin up in the air.对-错期末测验题目让一位学生一筹莫展…,于是决定向空中抛硬币。

9.John failed the exam, it was cold comfort to him to be told that he could take a make-up exam next semester.约翰考试不及格,告诉他下学期可以补考只是徒增他的烦恼而已。

10.The cause of the suicide was that the girl's head teacher asked her to forgo the college entrance exam.自杀的原因是女孩的班主任让她放弃参加大学入学考试。