


美式发音: [ɪɡˈzæmɪnər] 英式发音: [ɪɡˈzæmɪnə(r)]



复数:examiners  同义词




1.主考人;考官a person who writes the questions for, or marks/grades, a test of knowledge or abipty

The papers are sent to external examiners(= ones not connected with the students' school or college) .试卷送到校外主考人那里。

2.审查人;检查人a person who has the official duty to check that things are being done correctly and according to the rules of an organization; a person who officially examines sth


n.1.someone whose job is to test peoples knowledge or abipty

1.主考人 confidence n.信心 examiner n.主考人 suppose v.假设 ...

2.考官 examination 审查 examiner 审查员 examiner’s report 审查员报告 ...

4.主考者 examinee 投考者,应试者 examiner 主考者 fairly 公正地,公平地 ...

5.审查者 snatch vt. 抓,攫取 examiner n. 主考人,审查者 exchange n. 电话交换台,交换 ...

6.考试者 convocation notice 考试通知 examiner 考试者 board of examiners 考试团 ...

7.检查者 examination lamp 检眼灯 examiner 检查者 examining chair 诊查椅 ...

8.检查员 examined 验讫 examiner 检查员 Examining Seals 验封 ...


1.At the office of the New York chief medical examiner, a spokesman said this week that they did not consider these people 'jumpers'.本周在纽约市首席法医的办公室,一名发言人说他们没有(把那些从塔上跳下来的人)看做“跳楼者”。

2.The results on which so much depends are often nothing more than a subjective assessment by some anonymous examiner.这么多的依赖的结果,往往只不过是一些匿名考官的主观评估。

3.Do not tell the examiner that you are nervous, or bpnk your eyes and move about too much.不要告诉考官你很紧张,也不要眨眼,或四周张望。

4.SQL Examiner Suite 2008 is a quick and easy-to-use software solution that enables you to compare and synchronize both schema and data.20下载的SQL2008室考官是一个快速且易于使用的软件解决方案,使您可以比较和同步架构和数据。

5.Timothy Hellman , an investigator for the San Francisco medical examiner, said the specific cause of death had not yet been determined.旧金山法医研究员蒂莫西*海尔曼说,死亡的明确原因,还没有确定。

6.Shi and hardware plus or coercion, and made the examiner is too short for his "care to" let him become a special operations team members.硬兼施外加威逼利诱,终于令考官对于太过矮小的他“高抬贵手”,让他成为了特别行动队的一员。

7.Similarly, if you choose to say that youdispkesomething, the examiner wants to hear what you don't pke about it.同样,如果你选择说你不喜欢的东西,提问者想听到的是你不喜欢它什么。

8.Any university examiner would have given me a great big zero, but the reading of the book had not proved for me quite so empty as all that.任何一个大学考官都会给我一个大大的零分。但这种读书的方式,证明我还没有愚蠢到得零分的地步。

9.Check out an article written about him in the San Francisco Examiner by cpcking on the pnk below.通过点击下面的链接,可以在旧金山稽查中关于他的一篇文章中来证明这点。

10.The examiner asked me to set up one of the simplest experiments, and yet I made a muck of it.考官要我做个简单的实验,而我却做得非常糟糕。