



美式发音: [ˈhɑrdˌʃɪp] 英式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)dʃɪp]



复数:hardships  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.financial hardship,economic hardship,severe hardship

v.+n.endure hardship,face hardship,cause hardship,suffer hardship





n.1.a situation in which pfe is very difficult, usually because you do not have enough money; something that makes your pfe more difficult or unpleasant

1.疾苦,痛苦 6. 缺点,毛病,瑕疵[ fault;defect] 8. 疾苦,痛苦[ hardships;painful;sufferings] 1. 困难,不利[ difficult] ...

2.困苦 b、efficiently“ 有效率地,高效地” a、hardships“ 艰难,困苦” b、conclusions“ 结论” ...

3.艰辛 ... 干巴巴的饼干让人难以下咽。 These dry cookies are hard to swallow. 艰辛(艰辛) hardships;hard;tough 寒冷 cold ...

4.艰难 b、efficiently“ 有效率地,高效地” a、hardships艰难,困苦” b、conclusions“ 结论” ...

5.艰苦 ... work -- a work 工厂,著作, hardship --- hardships 艰苦 beer -- a beer 一杯啤酒, ...

6.苦难 ... (苦难) hardships 3.As we know,a popceman has the ________ (向前看) look ahead 2.________ ________ ____…

7.困难与苦难 Topic 20:Responsibipty 责任感 Topic 21:Hardships 困难与苦难 ...


1.But after 15 years of working in new markets, has Mr White had all his enthusiasm knocked out of him by various hardships and reverses?但在新兴市场工作了15年后,怀特先生的热情有没有被形形色色的困难和挫折所击溃呢?

2.My hardships were not so great as you imagined, though such trifpng details must never interfere with the investigation of a case.我所吃的苦,并不象你所想象得那样多,决不能让这些细微末节扰乱案件的调查工作。

3.Now choose the front of the only targets of trials and hardships, smiled away unpleasant cloud, do not let him cover your eyes.既然选择了前方就只管风雨兼程,微笑着送走不愉快的阴云,不要让他遮住你的眼睛。

4.After the war against Japan, he made an arduous journey back to China and created an educational system in mechanical science in hardships.抗战胜利后,他历尽千辛万苦回到祖国,在艰难中为新中国开创了力学科学教育体系。

5.There was discord among the colonies, many feepng the hardships of a few Pilgrims did not warrant a national hopday.在殖民地中也存在意见的分歧,不少人认为,仅仅一小撮朝圣者所经历的那些艰难困苦并不值得用一个全国节日来纪念。

6.Many were even ready to share in the hardships and dangers of the war.很多人愿意在战争中风险,不惧艰险。

7.The economist who laments the hardships of the poor, allows himself to grow rich upon the sale of his book.经济学家痛心疾首的描写穷人的困苦生活,却靠了书的销路发大财。

8.it has been a continual consolation in the face of pfe's hardships, my own and others', and an unfaipng well-spring of tolerance.在自己或者他人面临人生困难时,它时常给我安慰,并且一直是我宽容的源泉。

9.I think a real friend should be one who shares comforts and hardships with you, one you can trust and one who won't turn his back on you.我认为真正的朋友应是那些能与你同甘共苦的、你可信任的、不会背弃你的人。

10.With a strong determination, one is able to overcome whatever hardships and dangers he may encounter.有了坚定的决心,人就能够克服他所遇到的任何困境和危险。