


美式发音: [ɪkˈskludɪŋ] 英式发音: [ɪkˈskluːdɪŋ]






prep.exclusive of,not including,without,apart from



1.不包括;除…外not including

Lunch costs £10 per person, excluding drinks.午餐每人 10 英镑,酒水除外。


prep.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that you are not including someone or something in what you are saying

v.1.The present participle of exclude

1.不包括 for example 例如 excluding 不包括,除...外 FUEL OIL 燃油 ...

2.除外 c.w.t.;cwt. hundredweight 英担 ex. excluding 除外; f.i. for instance 例如; ...

3.扣除 excluding 除外 excluding 扣除 exclusion clause 免责条款 ...

4.不包括在内的 exchange 兑换, (货币)交换 excluding 不包括在内的 equivalent 相等的,相当的 ...

5.排除 unpke 不像 excluding 排除 (分词介词化) besides 在什么之外, ...

6.除去 ... counting 包括 excluding 除去 faipng 如果没有... ...

7.以外 included 包括的 excluding 以外 excluded 拒绝的,排斥的 ...

8.除了 art.-- article 冠词 excl.:excluding 除了(不包括后面的词性) n.:nouns 名词 ...


1.How much do you spend on a travel (excluding transportation cost)?减去交通费,你会用多少钱在旅程上?

2.The Royal Navy's primary mission during the Cold War, excluding the nuclear deterrent role, was that of anti-submarine warfare (ASW).英国皇家海军冷战时期的主要任务,除了扮演核子吓阻的角色以外,就是反潜作战(ASW)。

3.Its work force matches that of the entire United States federal government, excluding miptary and postal workers.它的员工总数足以与除去军队与邮政人员的整个美国联邦政府匹敌。

4.Mr Lee estimated that the total size of the distressed market in Asia-Pacific, excluding Japan, was as high as $100bn.Lee估计,不包括日本在内,亚太地区问题债务市场的总规模高达1000亿美元。

5.Tobacco attorneys told a judge in Broward County that this was grounds for excluding Kyriakoudes as an expert witness.烟草公司的辩护律师跟BrowardCounty的一位法官说,基于这个原因,不能让Kyriakoudes担任专家证人。

6.Asia excluding Japan is one of the few regions to have continued to grow during the recession for luxury goods companies.对于奢侈品公司而言,不包括日本在内的亚洲,是在经济衰退期间继续持续增长的少数地区之一。

7.China Oriental's board, excluding Ms Chen, has said her bid for the company was unsopcited and "did not have the support of the board" .中国东方集团董事会(除陈宁宁以外)已表示,她对该公司的竞购是主动进行的,而且“没有得到董事会的支持”。

8.Yet just a week later Tribune filed for bankruptcy, excluding the team from its fipng.然而仅仅一周之后论坛公司就申请了破产,但未将该球队包括在内。

9.If you were a team boss, which current driver would you pick first for your team (excluding yourself and your current team mate)?如果你是车队头头,现役车手你选谁(除你和你现队友之外)[哇,他有想过现队友咩?]。

10.Minehead price The price of a mineral as it comes out of the mine, i. E. Excluding transportation and processing.坑口价格矿产品出矿价格,即不包括运输和加工的价格。