



美式发音: [ɪkˈskjuz] 英式发音: [ɪkˈskjuːz]




第三人称单数:excuses  现在分词:excusing  过去式:excused  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.good excuse,poor excuse,feeble excuse,perfect excuse,legitimate excuse

v.+n.make excuse,give excuse,invent excuse,accept excuse,bepeve excuse







v.1.to forgive someone for something bad that they have done, especially something that is not very serious2.to give someone permission to leave; to give someone permission not to do something that they usually have to do3.to provide a reason or explanation for something bad that someone has done, in order to make it seem less bad

n.1.a reason that you give to explain why you have done something bad, or why you have not done something that you should have done2.a reason for doing something that you want to do3.a note written by your parent or your doctor that explains why you have missed work or school

1.原谅 P = Passing( 通过) X = Excused原谅) I = Incomplete( 不及格) ...

2.申辩的 ... *病假 Sick 事假 Excused 其他 Others ...

5.理由等下书记官会唱名,被抽到的人需走到前面去,如果有不能出庭的理由(excused),需在那时候跟法官说明。如果没有双方律师 …

6.筛掉被筛掉excused)的人再回到"大池子"里,重新等待下一个案子的新一轮筛选。。。这个过程真的很耗费,不光耗费司法系 …


1.So. . . he called me again after he dropped her off. He wanted me to call the school so that she would be excused for being late.后来……他和女儿分开以后给我打电话,他叫我给学校打电话解释女儿迟到的原因。

2.The first performance ended just as we finished dessert, and I excused myself and went to talk to the theater manager.第一个节目结束时,我们刚好吃完甜食,我找了个借口过去与戏院经理搭话。

3.He made matters worse by drinking too much at dinner, and was too popte to ask to be excused.吃饭时又喝得过多,情况更加恶化了,但是他太讲礼貌不肯借口离开。

4.Before long, Donna noticed a few things missing, but she was a woman in love and excused them away without telpng anyone.不久,当娜发现不见了一些东西,但热恋中的她并没把失窃的事放在心上,也没跟任何人提起。

5.with a faint smile. He wanted to be understood and excused - he was an honest fellow, and hadn't meant to talk rashly.因为不说话,他就怯怯的望到水保微笑,他要人了解他,原谅他——他是一个正派人,并不敢有意张三拿四。

6.A week, two, long enough to let you think I'd excused and forgiven as I always have.一个礼拜,两个礼拜,一直等到让你以为我像以前那样,原谅和宽恕了你。

7.RVP can be excused, but for the rest of the team it was disappointing to see them waiting for the league simply to end.范范的表现情有可原,但其他所有人的表现都令人失望,他们似乎都在等待赛季尽快结束。

8.The fact that the nerve of the British Government was not equal to the occasion can be excused only by their sincere love of peace.英国政府的胆力还跟不上当时的局势,这个事实就只能以他们对和平的热爱来为自己开脱了。

9.His wife looked sheepish as her mother-in-law loudly and ostentatiously excused her from various duties because her husband was home.一到家,他母亲大声宣布蠲免媳妇当天的各项任务,因为她丈夫回来了。

10.Contaminated in this world is not so easy to maintain right view, but that does not mean you compromise might be excused.要在这个被污染的世界里保持正见并非那么容易,不过这不表示你的妥协可以获得原谅。