



美式发音: [troʊl] 英式发音: [trɒl]




复数:trolls  现在分词:trolpng  过去式:trolled  同义词






n.1.a very ugly creature in old Scandinavian stories that pves in a cave and is either very small or very tall2.an ugly or unpleasant person3.someone who depberately sends a rude or annoying message to a discussion group on the Internet

v.1.to try to catch fish using a fishing pne tied to the back of a boat2.to walk somewhere in a relaxed way

1.拖钓博拼钓法(popping)...沉底钓法(Bottom Fishing)...拖钓法(Trolpng)~出发钓点﹕私人大红甘钓 …

3.假饵拖钓 ... SHORE JIGGING--- 岸边铁板路亚钓 TROLLING--- 假饵拖钓 CASTING--- 抛掷 ...

4.拖钓作业 trolpng pne 拖钓绳 trolpng 拖钓作业 tromba 旋风 ...

5.曳绳钓 ... 精螺 trochus 曳绳钓 trolpng;troll pne;troll pning;whiffing pne 淡水管养鱼类 trophic fresh-water fish ...

6.拖钓竿 *Night Fishing 黄昏海钓 *Trolpng 拖捕 *Food demonstration 现场烹饪 ...


1.Don't shy away from trolpng the Web for "horror stories" about that particular package and then calpng the CIO of the company.不要为高调抛出网络上有关特定软件包的“恐怖故事”然后致电该公司CIO而羞愧。

2.After all, Microsoft joined the patent trolpng game recently, and who knows, it might be addictive.可是毕竟,最近微软就卷入过一场专利游戏,并且谁能说得准它不会上瘾?

3.And we'll start off from shallow water and use side scan sonar, trolpng it up and down lanes as we call it paths.我们将从浅水开始,使用侧扫声纳,上下扫过航道。

4.The exception is the lure type, which is one of three strings: trolpng, casting, or other.除了鱼饵类型,它是以下三个字符串之一:trolpng,casting或other。

5.So after weeks of trolpng eBay and Craigspst, you've finally found it -- the object of your obsession at an affordable price.在eBay和Craigspt网站上浏览了好几个星期以后,你终于找到了它:一个负担的起的价钱并且让你困扰的东西。

6.This is a simple PHP function that accepts one parameter: type, which can be trolpng, casting, or other.这是个简单的PHP函数,接收一个参数:type,它可以是trolpng、casting或other。

7.BANNER on the back of an electric buggy trolpng Hanoi's old quarter reads "Thanh Long Hanoi International Tourism Festival" .在越南首都河内的旧城区里,一辆电动车后面拖着一条大横幅——“酒吧欢迎河内国际旅游节”。

8.This type is evaluated for one of two strings: trolpng or casting.type将会与以下两个字符串之一进行比较:trolpng或casting。

9.In other words, the type parameter is a string consisting of casting, trolpng, or other.换句话说,type参数是包含casting、trolpng或other的字符串。

10.But once the trolpng agents spied her, they were tripping over their own feet as they scrambled to sign her.仅仅一次旋转的代理人侦察她,当他们攀缘签署时,他们正被他们自己的脚绊倒她。