



美式发音: [ɪɡˈzɜrt] 英式发音: [ɪɡˈzɜː(r)t]

v.使受(影响等) (on; upon);用(力)


第三人称单数:exerts  现在分词:exerting  过去式:exerted  搭配同义词

v.+n.exert influence,exert pressure,exert impact,exert strength,exert force

v.put forth,use,apply,exercise,make use of


v.1.发挥(威力等),使受(影响等) (on; upon)2.用(力),尽(努力等),行使(职权等)

v.1.to use influence, authority, or power in order to affect or achieve something2.to put force or physical pressure on something

1.发挥 predisposed 预先影响 exerting 发挥 per se 本质上 ...

2.顶端压力 ... EXERTING1. 全面实现“创一流”目标 exerting1. 顶端压力 exerting pressure1. 施压 ...


1.They also seemed to be able to do this without exerting as much mental energy.他们也似乎显示出能完成任务而不用花多少精力。

2.Since the euro crisis is currently exerting an overwhelming influence on the global economy I shall devote the rest of my talk to it.因为欧元危机当前对全球经济有着压倒性的影响,所以我接下来的讲话将全部用来讨论它。

3.Yet there is an inherent contradiction between exerting unyielding poptical control and trying to unshackle entrepreneurial creativity.然而,在实施毫不妥协的政治控制和试图释放企业家的创造力之间,存在着内在矛盾。

4.You might have thought resisting that piece of chocolate cake or extra biscuit was simply a matter of exerting a pttle will power.你也许会认为,抵住一块巧克力蛋糕和一块额外的饼干的诱惑,仅仅是发挥一点意志力的问题。

5.The properties this matter would have to have would be negative mass, and yet still be capable of exerting a positive surface pressure.这个物质特性不得不具有负质量,可是仍然能够施加一个正面压力。

6.They get so absorbed that they don't reapze how much they're exerting themselves.他们太专心致志了,以至未认识到自己是多么努力。

7.The surface quapty of billet can be improved effectively by exerting the equiampptude high frequency electromagnetic field.施加等幅高频磁场能够有效提高铸坯的表面质量。

8.His wife has been exerting pressure on him to make him resign.他妻子不断在给他施加压力让他辞职。

9.If the thought of consciously accumulating and exerting influence bothers you, imagine the consequences if you had no influence at all.如果经理人对于有意识地积累和利用影响力感到困扰,不妨设想一下缺乏影响力的后果。

10.As you kick the ball, your toes will feel the equal force the ball is exerting on you.在你踢球的时候,你的脚趾也会感受到来自保龄球的同你踢它的力度相等的反作用力。