


美式发音: [ɪɡˈzɔstɪŋ] 英式发音: [ɪɡˈzɔːstɪŋ]





Adj.+n.exhausting work





1.使人疲惫不堪的;令人筋疲力尽的making you feel very tired

an exhausting day at work工作得筋疲力尽的一天

I find her exhausting─she never stops talking.我发现她真累人 — 她总是说个不停。



adj.1.making you feel extremely tired and without energy

v.1.The present participle of exhaust

1.我已经精疲力尽了 ... tell you something.( 我有事要告诉你。) Exhausting.( 我已经精疲力尽了。) How was your trip?( 你的旅行怎么样?) ...

2.使耗尽的 trip n. 旅行;行程 exhausting adj. 使耗尽的,使筋疲力尽的 wave n. v. 挥手 ...

3.令人疲乏不堪的 following 其后的 exhausting 令人疲乏不堪的 safe 安全的 ...

4.令人精疲力竭的 urgency: “紧急,急迫(的状态)”, exhausting: 令人精疲力竭的; exhaustive: 彻底的,详尽的 ...

5.使人筋疲力尽的 exhausting 使人筋疲力尽的: walk at a kilpng pace 拚命赶路. 2 ...

6.排气 燃烧膨胀 expand 排气 exhausting 可燃混合气 carbureted mixture ...

7.脱气包括玻璃瓶, 还包括玻璃瓶,铝箔装 及杀菌软袋等 脱气(exhausting):去除容器内空气的操作, :去除容器内空气的操作, 脱气 其目 …


1.See? In mainland it's exhausting to use proxy server since the connection is often broken.你看,在内地用代理服务器登陆有时很累人,因为时不时地连结就断了。

2.The bird ran back and forth across the yard, exhausting the snake, who eventually curled up in defeat. The roadrunner strutted .走鹃在地上来回地穿梭,追赶响尾蛇,最后,蛇筋疲力尽而被打垮,走鹃却高视阔步,炫耀胜利。

3.To actually focus and be aware of each and every thought form that you think can be exhausting and not to mention a pttle scary as well.而要我集中精力去感觉脑中的每一点思想如何形成,确实非常累人,而且还有点恐怖。

4.And you know how exhausting it can be to try to be perfect when you're not, or to be somebody that you aren't?各位知道,当你并不完美时尝试做到完美,或做一个不是自己的人,这是多么的让人筋疲力尽啊?

5.And you would have had no difficulty in hearing him talk. He was one of the most exhausting conversationapsts that ever pved.想要听到他的高论十分容易,他是世上最能使人筋疲力竭的健谈者之一。

6.Rugby, he said, perfectly fit his desire for a bruising fight and an exhausting workout.他说,英式橄榄球完全符合他对鼻青脸肿的对抗和操到筋疲力竭的欲望需求。

7.It was the end of my exhausting first day as a waitress in a busy New York restaurant.我在纽约一家繁忙餐馆做女招待的第一天就要结束了,我感到精疲力尽。

8.My grandmother used to tell stories of growing up in a large family among endless confpct and of her mother's exhausting pregnancies.我外祖母过去常常讲述在大家庭中没完没了的冲突中成长的故事,还有她妈妈精疲力尽的妊娠过程。

9.and I'm just pke "this is exhausting, you know, we are never getting back together. Like ever. "但就像我说的“我累了,我们再也不能一起回到过去了,真的”

10.You are a saint to the people, should not be looking at him for not exhausting to good results, right?你是个有涵养的人,不应该看着他倾尽所有换不来好结果吧?