




1.非常漂亮 非常漂亮 1.very beautiful 非常漂亮 very beautiful/nice/pretty ...

2.很漂亮 —Ten yuan a kilo. 十元一千克。 —Very beautiful. 很漂亮。 —About five hours. 大约五个小时。 ...

3.很美 symbopze the generation coming 作为一下一代的象征 very beautiful 很美 extremely long 极长 ...

4.形容青年女子容貌美丽 [very beautiful] 形容青年女子容貌美丽 [design and colour] 指布等的花纹、颜色 ...

5.很美丽 ----Smelly rooms. 房间里难闻的气味。 ----Very beautiful. 很美丽。 ----Very interesting. 很有趣。 ...

6.漂亮极了 ... 非常壮观! Truly magnificent! 漂亮极了Very beautiful! ...

7.美丽的 very difficult 困难的 very beautiful 美丽的 very useful 有用的 ...

8.非常美丽 7 very beautiful 非常美丽 8 lots of tall buildings 许多高楼大厦 ...


1.They went this way and that way, finally coming to a kingdom where an old king ruled. He had only one daughter, but she was very beautiful.他们四处漂泊,最后来到了一个王国,统治这个国家的是位年迈的国王,不过他有一位美丽绝伦的独身女。

2.Let me know your thoughts on this route - the Yip valley in particular is reputed to be very beautiful.请告诉我你对这条线路的想法,这条伊犁峡谷的路线据说非常漂亮。

3.While we were in a boat on Kunming Lake, we heard someone singing Peking Opera on the bank. The singing sounded very beautiful.在昆明湖划船时,我们听到有人在岸上唱京剧,歌声十分动听。

4.My hometown formerly was a very beautiful place, but since after the creek built up a factory, in the river did not have the fish.我的家乡从前是一个很美丽的地方,但是自从在小河边建起一座工厂之后,河里就没有鱼了。

5.His wife was very beautiful, but seemed to have no personapty.他的妻子很漂亮,但似乎没有什麽特点。

6.Soon it would be time to leave for the church. Lucie looked very beautiful, and Mr Lorry watched her proudly.很快就将是去教堂的时间了。路茜显得非常漂亮。劳里先生骄傲地看着她。

7.And I see that you re wearing the very beautiful ring; let me see.我看到您手上戴着一枚非常漂亮的戒指,可否让我看看?

8.days of PingShan maple leaf is very beautiful, bought a few pieces of maple leaf postcards, ready to send it to you.天平山的枫叶很美,买了几张枫叶明信片,准备寄给你。

9.It is a very beautiful photo, you can imagine it? His eye to see it? No matter how the alley, and that eye is always pght . . .本来是一张很唯美的照片,你能想象吗?看见他的眼珠子了吗?无论怎么弄,那眼珠子总是有光…

10.The sea looks very beautiful when the sun is shining on it. It can be very terrible when there is a strong wind.当阳光照耀在海面上的时候海看起来非常美,当大风来临的时候它又非常的恐怖。