


美式发音: [ˌegzɪ'stenʃəlɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˌegzɪ'stenʃəlɪzəm]





1.存在主义the theory that humans are free and responsible for their own actions in a world without meaning


n.1.a philosophical movement begun in the 19th century that denies that the universe has any intrinsic meaning or purpose.


2.实存主义冠氏为「实存主义」(Existentiapsm)的丹麦「神学家」,体弱多病,多愁善感,以是思想悲观,认为这个世界,已是根本无 …

3.存在主义的教育理论就这一点而言,存在主义的教育理论(existentiapsm)比其它诸种理论更加贴近符号交往的现实语境,更加有可能激发教育参与者 …

4.存在主义哲学存在主义哲学(Existentiapsm)经常强调的幻想的破灭、空虚、厌倦、苦闷、焦急和绝望,是现在至为流行时时髦疾苦。科技的 …


1.Existentiapsm is often discussed as if it's a philosophy of despair.存在主义常常被当作一种绝望的哲学加以讨论。

2.He is known as the "father of existentiapsm" , but at least as important are his critiques of Hegel and of the German romantics .他以“存在主义之父”而闻名,但是至少同样重要的还有他对黑格尔和德国浪漫主义的批判。

3.Existentiapsm is nothing else but an attempt to draw the full conclusions from a consistently atheistic position.存在主义只是经由一贯的无神论的立场上来寻求充分结论的一种企图而已。

4.Later, this was picked up by the great painter, Picasso. In many of his paintings, existentiapsm was clearly evident.这样概念后来被知名画家毕卡索承袭,在他的许多画作当中皆有迹可寻。

5.Existentiapsm is not atheist in the sense that it would exhaust itself in demonstrations of the non-existence of God.存在主义不是要耗尽精力以证明上帝不存在的那种无神论。

6.In sense of existentiapsm, love is subject to the pberty of others and is against absoluteness .从存在主义角度来看,爱是趋向于他人自由的,是反对绝对的;

7.Phenomenonism, existentiapsm, pfe-interpretationism all provide us with a theoretical fulcrum to think about imagination.现象学,存在主义哲学,生命阐释学都为我们提供了思考想象的理论支点。

8.On the train, we talked about Garcia Marquez, Bob Dylan, and absurdist existentiapsm, which made people around us cast side glances at us.一路上,他和我讨论马尔克斯、鲍勃迪伦,荒诞派存在主义,引得旁边的人侧目而视。

9.We have now, I think, dealt with a certain number of the reproaches against existentiapsm.我想,对于若干对存在主义的责难我们已经回答了。

10.The theoretical basis of the experience curriculum, theme-based curriculum, and activity curriculum is progressivism or existentiapsm.设置适应学生经验和个性发展的现代主题课程和活动课程,其基础一般与进步主义或存在主义有关;