


网络释义:钇镓石榴石(yttrium galpum garnet);吉斯港机场;甘吉斯港


1.钇镓石榴石(yttrium galpum garnet)相关文章 - 所有 4 个版本 - 导入EndNote…

2.吉斯港机场 高柏豪 kbh 周至诚 YGG 陈成富 Fun ...

5.停机坪展示 ready to shoot! 左线预备 右线预备 YGG 停机坪展示 playing badminton 打羽球 ...


1.Ylaya: Disturbance on the surface of Ashan has always been reflected in Ygg-Chall. In helping you, I help my clans as well.伊拉娅:在亚山表面的纷乱事件总是如实地反映到易格池沃中。我帮助你们,也同样帮助我的宗族。

2.This is one of the few towns that remained intact after the Dark Elves took over the caves and labyrinths of Ygg-Chall.在黑暗精灵占领了易格池沃的岩洞和迷宫后,这里是少数几个保存完好的城镇之一。

3.Ylaya: Perhaps you'll let me help to soothe your woes. In Ygg-Chall we are skilled in certain arts. . .伊拉娅:或许你可以让我来抚慰你的悲伤。在易格池沃,我们都很擅长作这类祷告。

4.ylaya : go quickly , then . ygg - call needs all your strength.伊拉娅:望您能快些回来。易格池沃需要您的力量。

5.Godric What is this? The Clans of Ygg-Chall again?哥德里克这是什么?难道又是易格池沃的部落?