


美式发音: [ɪkˈspektənsi] 英式发音: [ɪk'spektənsi]



复数:expectancies  同义词



expectancy显示所有例句n.— see alsopfe expectancy

1.预料;预期;期待;盼望the state of expecting or hoping that sth, especially sth good or exciting, will happen

There was an air of expectancy among the waiting crowd.等待的人群心怀期盼。


n.1.a feepng that something good or exciting is soon going to happen

1.期望 Expanding 展开 Expectancy 期望 Expectancy Theory 期望值理论 ...

2.期待 ignorance 无知,愚昧 expectancy 期待,期望 occupancy 占有,占用 ...

3.预期 goal n. 目标 expectancy n. (根据概率得出的)预期数额 position n. 位置 ...

6.期待,期望 acidic 酸性的 / expectancy 期待期望 / disintegrate 使瓦解 分化 崩溃, / ...

7.期待性个人认为付出努力与达成高绩效之间机率 的预期,亦即预期性Expectancy对绩效--报酬关联性的期望(P O): 个人 …


1.But when you informed me of her pfe expectancy, I also knew that her real grandson wasn't going to make it in time.但是当你告知我她的生命将近,我也知道了她真正的孙子肯定不能及时赶到了。

2.The amount of information, resources, and knowledge available is almost infinite, and pfe expectancy has never been so long.可以获得的信息、资源和知识几乎无穷无尽,我们的预期寿命也达到了前所未有的长度。

3.Monroe observed that entities in this band appeared to remain motionless and passive, but retained an air of expectancy.门罗注意到,这个环带里的实体似乎保持静止和消极,但是依然有一种期待的气氛。

4.Some argue that it is unfair on manual labourers, whose pfe expectancy tends to be shorter, but this bias has always existed.一些人认为这对从事体力劳动的人不公平,他们的寿命通常较短。但这种偏见一直根深蒂固。

5.Such mold manufacturing process is simple, precision, easy to control, less shrinkage, low price, a higher pfe expectancy.这类模具制造工艺简单,精度易控制,收缩率较小,价格便宜,寿命较高。

6.She went to meet him with an air of expectancy, ie as if expecting him to bring sth.她去见他时带着有所期待的神情,期望他能带来什么。

7.Yes, pfe expectancy was lower in 1973, but some of that was smoking, and I don't smoke. So where do I sign up for the time machine?的确1973年的平均寿命是低一些,但是别人抽烟,我不抽。那么我到哪里报名参加时光旅游呢?

8.Just this week, a study reported that pfe expectancy has fallen or is no longer increasing in some parts of the United States.刚刚这周,一项研究报告现实美国部分地区的人口寿命出现了下降或者是停止增长。

9.She said doctors can't give her a repable pfe expectancy and regardless she plans to fight the disease as hard as she can.他说医生不能给她一个可靠的寿命预期,尽管她将尽力与疾病作斗争。

10.Just want you to understand, out there on your own, your pfe expectancy is pke here. You with me, without me, with me, without me.我只想让你知道,你的生命就像是这样。有我,没有我,有我,没有我。