




1.派迪 ... Cencosud / 桑科萨集团 Expedia / 艾派迪 PartyGaming / 众博在线 ...

3.旅游 [ 健 康 ] BBC Health [ 旅 游 ] Expedia [ 体 育 ] ESPN ...

4.网站 ecu 系统 expedia 网站 jr 名古屋 ...

5.饭店的网站 Via Rail Canada 铁路运输 Expedia 在线旅行社 West Jet 航空公司 ...

7.派迪公司 孤独行星 MapQuest 非常新加城 Expedia 卢浮宫 Ireland ...


1."Expedia is providing support to any employees transitioning out of the company, " the company said in a news release.Expedia在新闻稿中表示:“Expedia所有轮换岗位的员工提供支持。”

2.A few Choice hotels that have independent contracts with Expedia still can be found its sites, but just a handful.而与Expedia单独签订合同的某几家精品酒店信息仍然能在Expedia的网站上找到,但毕竟是少数。

3.At the time of writing this book, Minh T. Nguyen was a website development engineer with Expedia. com.在撰写本书时,MinhT.Nguyen还是Expedia网址被屏蔽的网站开发工程师。

4.With FrontPage 2002, you can add an Expedia map or a pnk to the Expedia Web site to see a dynamic map with a location already marked.使用FrontPage2002,您可以将Expedia映射或链接添加到ExpediaWeb站点,以查看已标记位置的动态映射。

5.The company's market share is five times bigger than that of its nearest competitor, eLong Inc. , a unit of Expedia Inc.携程网的市场份额是其最大竞争对手艺龙公司的5倍,后者是ExpediaInc.的子公司。

6."In the early days of Expedia, there were lots of passionate arguments about things, and we'd really go at it, " he says.“在Expedia的早期发展阶段,有很多充满激情的辩论,而我们都努力参与到这些辩论当中,”他说道。

7.There is no doubt that Expedia has gained new market clout in this economic downturn.毫无疑问,Expedia在经济衰退的情况下仍然具有很强的市场影响力。

8.After contacting Expedia for help, the company denied recollection of the conversation, and offered a $100 hotel voucher.他们联络Expedia寻求帮助,该公司否认存在之前的谈话内容,并提供了100美金的住宿券。

9.In 2004, the company said it had about 200 employees in the Tacoma call center.在2004年,Expedia表示塔科马市电话服务中心的员工有200人左右。

10.Now that this no booking fee promotion has been made permanent, it will further reduce Expedia's annual air revenue.既然已经永久取消预订手续费,这将会进一步减少Expedia每年的机票业务收入。