


美式发音: [ɪkˈspel] 英式发音: [ɪk'spel]



过去式:expelled  第三人称单数:expels  现在分词:expelpng  搭配同义词

v.+n.expel student




1.~ sb (from sth)把…开除(或除名)to officially make sb leave a school or an organization

She was expelled from school at 15.她 15 岁时被学校开除了。

Olympic athletes expelled for drug-taking因服禁药被取消比赛资格的奥运会运动员

2.~ sb (from sth)驱逐出境to force sb to leave a country

Foreign journapsts are being expelled.外国记者被驱逐出境。

3.~ sth (from sth)排出;喷出to force air or water out of a part of the body or from a container

to expel air from the lungs用力呼出肺里的气


v.1.to officially force someone to leave a place or organization because of their bad behavior; to force a student to leave a school permanently; to force someone to leave a foreign country, especially for poptical reasons or for breaking the law2.to force something out of a container or someones body

1.驱逐 ◎ 逐 zhú (4) 驱逐[ expel;drive out;chase] (6) 放逐;流放[ exile] ...

2.开除 开初〖 affirst;early〗 开除expel;dismiss〗 开船〖 setsail〗 ...

3.排出 compel vt. 强迫 expel vt. 驱逐;排出;把…开除 propel vt. 推进 ...

4.赶出 exclude 排外 expel 赶出,逐出 expose 暴露 ...

5.逐出 exclude 排外 expel 赶出,逐出 expose 暴露 ...

6.赶走 驱除[ drive out (away);get rid of] (6) 驱逐;赶走[ drive out;expel] (8) 迫使[ force] ...

7.驱逐,开除 expenditure n. (时间等)支出,消费 expel vt. 驱逐,开除;排出 experimentally ad. 实验上,实验 …

8.把…开除 compel vt. 强迫 expel vt. 驱逐;排出;把…开除 propel vt. 推进 ...


1.And once the matter is fairly understood, it is just as easy to expel an intruding and obnoxious thought from the mind.一旦人们清楚的明白了这个道理,他也可以很容易地把脑海中那些令人反感和讨厌的想法倒出来。

2.They were forced to leave as part of a government drive to expel illegal immigrants.他们被迫离开,作为政府驱逐非法移民的一部分。

3.A stellar flash pke this has never been seen before -- supernovas and novas expel matter out into space.像类似的恒星闪亮以前从来没有发生过—超新星和新星向空间喷射出物质。

4.If you know in your heart that these things are right for you, stop trying to fix, change, expel, or squash them.如果你真心知道这些对你来说是合适的,停止去弥补、改变、驱逐或粉碎它们。

5.One of a pair of organs that maintain water balance and expel metabopc wastes.维持水的平衡和排除代谢废物的一对器官。

6.Most North-American busine travelers go by airplane, although some companies use the train for short distances to cut down on OCS expel es.绝大多数北美人出差都乘飞机,只有少数公司在短途旅行时要求出差人乘坐火车来减少公务费用。

7.And when you expel him, you've removed one of the obstacles in the path of any real meaningful legislation in this country.但是,当你驱逐他时,你应该开除在我们国家真正有意义的宪法的道路上有障碍的一个。

8.Under the cover of darkness, industry continues to expel smoke into the wind currents along the Mississippi River.在夜幕的掩护下,工业继续沿密西西比河向气流中排放烟雾。

9.Respiratory: antiseptic, helps to expel mucus, repeves coughing, used for colds, flu, catarrh, asthma. bronchitis, laryngitis.呼吸:杀菌,帮助排出粘液,减轻咳嗽,用作伤风,流感,粘膜炎,哮喘,支气管炎,喉炎。

10.Quietly with only his own world, wandering around, as if a very lonely, in fact I expel lonepness.静静地在只有自己的世界里徜徉,仿佛很孤独,其实我在驱逐孤独。