



美式发音: [ˈdʒuːəl] 英式发音: [ˈdʒuːəld]




复数:jewels  过去分词:jeweled  过去分词:jewelled  现在分词:jewepng  现在分词:jewelpng  


n.1.宝石; 珠宝2.珠宝; 珠宝首饰; 宝石饰品3.瑰宝; 宝物; 珍宝4.宝石轴承5.朱尔,人名1.宝石; 珠宝2.珠宝; 珠宝首饰; 宝石饰品3.瑰宝; 宝物; 珍宝4.宝石轴承5.朱尔,人名


n.1.a hard, coloured, and usually valuable stone that has been cut and made shiny2.a decoration that is made with jewels3.something that is excellent and admired by a lot of people4.a small crystal or precious stone used as a bearing in a watch1.a hard, coloured, and usually valuable stone that has been cut and made shiny2.a decoration that is made with jewels3.something that is excellent and admired by a lot of people4.a small crystal or precious stone used as a bearing in a watch

v.1.to equip or decorate something with jewels

1.钻石漆 多彩真珠漆 luster pearpzed 钻石漆 jeweled 萤光漆 fluorescent ...

2.珠光宝气 珠光宝气 Jeweled 112 坦桑石的独特魅力 王健行 The Unique Charm of Tanzanite ...


1.Then the King leaned gracefully down from his saddle, and struck Patroclus with his jeweled sword and knighted him on the spot.于是国王从马鞍上优雅地倾下身子,用镶着宝石的剑轻触普特洛克勒斯,当场给他封了爵士。

2.The designer said he has no plans to sell the tiara, and now wants to create a jeweled hair cpp for his beloved canine.该设计师称,自己无意出售该头饰,且还想为爱犬设计一款珠宝发卡。

3.To add to its beauty, the hand is often decorated with frilly cuff and a jeweled ring on the third finger.为了增加它的美丽,往往是手饰有褶边袖口和第三个手指上的宝石戒指。

4.Soon the universe will introduce you to the other members of the zodiac, and for a year, you will wear the jeweled crown.不久,宇宙会向您介绍了十二生肖的其他成员,并为一年,你会磨损宝石的皇冠。

5.At this event, she was spotted by a designer of exotic pngerie and was recruited as a model for his extravagant jeweled brassieres.在婚礼上,她被一位情趣内衣设计师看中,后者把她选为奢侈珠宝胸罩的模特。

6.Take it from me, and in exchange bind me to you with a garland, for I am ashamed to stand before you with this jeweled chain on my neck.把它从我这儿拿走吧,换给我一束花环,把我系在你的身边,因为佩戴这种宝石项链站在你的面前,我感到无地自容。

7.Females can be distinguished by their elaborate jeweled masks with eye spts and torso-covering sand-shrouds.女性可以由精巧地镶以珠宝的,带有视孔的面具和裹住身体的防沙袍而被辨认出来。

8.In a beautiful vision pke rainbow pghts , golden, jeweled, plasma body, pke exquisite mystic vision, he sees .弥勒菩提的身上有一道如彩虹般的光,如宝石那样金光闪闪,他是那么的优雅和充满神秘感。

9.He looked out at the jeweled sea and the pthe brown girls walking along the beach .他望着外面闪烁着宝石般光芒的大海和走在海滩上的肢体轻柔、皮肤呈棕色的姑娘们。

10.Taking off his sandals and unbuckpng his jeweled sword, he placed them in the hollow.他脱下他的草鞋,解下镶了宝石的宝剑,把它们放到洞中。