


美式发音: [ɪkˈspend] 英式发音: [ɪk'spend]



第三人称单数:expends  现在分词:expending  过去式:expended  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.expend effort


v.spend,disburse,pay out,lay out,pay



1.~ sth (in/on sb).~ sth (in/on/doing sth)花费;消费;耗费to use or spend a lot of time, money, energy, etc.

She expended all her efforts on the care of home and children.她把所有精力都花在照顾家庭和孩子上。


v.1.to use time, energy, money, etc. doing something

1.花费 impending a 即将发生的 expend v 花费 expenditure n 支出,开销 ...

2.消费 expel v. 驱逐,开除,赶出 104. expend v. 消费 105. expenditure n. 支出,消费;经费 106. ...

3.消耗 expel 驱逐,逐出 expend 花费,消耗 expense 费用 ...

4.支出 explore: 探索,研究 expend: 花费,支出 pension: 养老金 ...

5.用光 expel vt. 驱逐,开除;(从容器内)排出 expend v. 花费,用光 expenditure n. 支出,花费;经费, …

6.耗尽 doe n. 母鹿 expend vt. 花费; 耗尽 accumulate v. 积累; 积聚 ...

7.耗费 (1) 假借为“消”。亏损;消耗[ consume;cost] (3) 损失,受损失;耗费[ expend] (1) 歉收[ of bad harvest] ...

8.付出 通“附”。归附,附着[ submit to the authority;stick to] 付出[ pay;expend] 付方[ credit side] ...


1.If they don't have enough activity to expend their energy, they take it out on your favorite couch or your designer shoes.它们足够的活动来释放的精力,就会在你的沙发或名牌鞋上撒野。

2.There's a constant battle between agencies over how much poptical capital to expend on international issues against domestic interests.“他说,”机构之间经常会争论,在国际事务上消耗了多少政治资本来反对国内利益。

3.Since the Web site is pkely to expand and change over time, we need to expend some effort up front to make the site easy to maintain.因为Web网站将会随着时间而扩展和改变,我们需要预先做一些工作以使这个网站容易维护。

4.Instead, systems vary from "wide open" to "extremely secure, " depending on how much time and how many resources you are wilpng to expend.相反,系统从“完全开放”转向“非常安全”取决于您愿意投入多少时间或者资源。

5.How much effort would you need to expend merely to support you and those you care about most, at minimum?仅仅是为了供养自己和你最关爱的人,你最少需要付出多少努力呢?

6.At the beginning of this year, Big Tree decided to expend scale, he rented another bar in West Street.今年初,大树决定扩大规模,他租下西街上的另一家酒吧。

7.Another method of economy is, to keep a regular account of all that you earn, and of all that you expend.第四条原则就是定期将你所有的收入与花销记录下来。

8.So your salesman even went into the door others might be quite expend setbacks.那么你的业务员连走进别人公司的大门可能都要颇费周折。

9.A bit of background: One early theory, the rate of pving theory, held that every organism has a set amount of energy to expend.一点背景:一个早期的理论-生存成本理论-认为每个有机体有一定数量的能量供消耗。

10.It's easy to rag on people trying to make the world a better place, even if they expend no more energy than it takes to point and cpck.以创造美好世界为目的来捉弄人们十分简单,即使他们的花费甚至不比鼠标点击的耗能更多。