


美式发音: [priˌɑkjəˈpeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [priːˌɒkjʊˈpeɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:preoccupations  同义词




1.[u][c]~ (with sth)盘算;思虑;长久思考的事情a state of thinking about sth continuously; sth that you think about frequently or for a long time

She found his preoccupation with money irritating.她对他一心只想着钱感到很厌烦。

His current preoccupation is the appointment of the new manager.他目前操心的是新经理的任命。

2.[u]心事重重;忧心忡忡;全神贯注a mood created by thinking or worrying about sth and ignoring everything else

She spoke slowly, in a state of preoccupation.她说话慢吞吞的,显得心事重重。


n.1.a state in which you think about something so much that you do not think about other things; something that you think about and want to do because it is important

1.全神贯注 occupation 职业;占有 preoccupation 全神贯注 28. capital 首要的;首都;资本 ...

2.当务之急 occupation 职业, 占有 preoccupation 当务之急, 偏见, 先取 ration 定量(配给), 定额 ...

3.偏见 occupation 职业, 占有 preoccupation 当务之急, 偏见, 先取 ration 定量(配给), 定额 ...

4.先取 occupation 职业, 占有 preoccupation 当务之急, 偏见, 先取 ration 定量(配给), 定额 ...

5.先占观念 immense 极大的, 巨大的 preoccupation 成见,先入之见 overrate 对„估计(评价)过高 ...

7.使人全神贯注的事 ... 37. due to 由于 preoccupation n. 抢先占有;全神贯注;使人全神贯注的事 14. by far … 最…


1.And secondly, because Pierre in his preoccupation and absent-mindedness had not recognised Rostov and had failed to respond to his bow.其次是因为皮埃尔心不在焉,沉溺在自己的思想感情中,以致于认不得罗斯托夫,也没有向他鞠躬回礼。

2.The impulsion is often lost, because of the rider's preoccupation with bending the horse and pushing him sideways.由于骑手全神贯注在使马曲绕和向侧方推进,常常使前进气势丧失。

3.Spend part of another day noticing which feepngs tend to pull you into a state of preoccupation.再找个一天花一些时间注意哪些情绪感受容易让你陷入心事重重的思虑状态中。

4.This, he writes, is due to a heritage of Germanic, Nordic and British superstitions and a strong preoccupation with history.他写道,这是由于日耳曼、北欧和英国的迷信传统以及对历史的强烈关注。

5.At least one of his college friends noticed his preoccupation.有不少于一个校友知道他的心思。

6.The record leaves no doubt that Chile was not a major preoccupation of the American government after Allende was installed as president.这段历史记载使人毫不怀疑,在阿连德就任总统以后,智利并非当时的美国政府关心的主要问题。

7.Ascend into a new preoccupation that supports ascension and there is no further sense of loss.而提升进入一个支持提升的并不再有失去的感觉的新职业。

8.Well, that would be fine if it was just a secondary preoccupation in pfe.当然,如果幸福不是生活中最令人全神贯注的,模糊倒也无所谓。

9.His chief preoccupation seems to be to avoid shaking the conservative French consensus, and even that unambitious objective has been missed.他的首要任务似乎是避免那些激动而又保守的法国人的舆论抨击。即使这样,还是有些无奢望的目标没有实现。

10.Excessive preoccupation with one's own well-being and interests , usually accompanied by an inflated sense of self-importance .对自己的安乐和利益过分的关注,通常伴随着极度的妄自尊大感。