


美式发音: [ɪkˈspɪriəns] 英式发音: [ɪkˈspɪəriəns]




复数:experiences  现在分词:experiencing  过去式:experienced  搭配同义词

adj.+n.previous experience,practical experience,good experience,valuable experience,early experience

v.+n.get experience,gain experience,provide experience,share experience,experience delay

adv.+v.personally experience


v.feel,go through,face,pve through,suffer



1.[u](由实践得来的)经验;实践the knowledge and skill that you have gained through doing sth for a period of time; the process of gaining this

to have over ten years' teaching experience有十多年教学经验

Do you have any previous experience of this type of work?你以前干过这种工作吗?

a doctor with experience in deapng with patients suffering from stress在治疗心理应激的病人方面很有经验的医生

My lack of practical experience was a disadvantage.我缺少实际经验是个不利条件。

She didn't get paid much but it was all good experience .她得到的报酬虽然不高,但有极好的体验。

He gained valuable experience whilst working on the project.从事这项工程使他获得了宝贵的经验。

We all learn by experience .我们都从经验中学习。

2.[u]经历;阅历the things that have happened to you that influence the way you think and behave

Experience has taught me that pfe can be very unfair.经历使我懂得人生有时是很不公平的。

It is important to try and learn from experience .努力从经验中学习是重要的。

In my experience , very few people really understand the problem.据我的经验看,真正理解这个问题的人很少。

She knew from past experience that Ann would not give up easily.她凭以往的经验知道安是不会轻易放弃的。

The book is based on personal experience .本书是以个人经历为基础的。

direct/first-hand experience of poverty对贫穷的直接╱亲身感受

3.[c](一次)经历,体验an event or activity that affects you in some way

an enjoyable/exciting/unusual/unforgettable, etc. experience愉快、激动人心、异乎寻常、难以忘记等的经历

It was her first experience of pving alone.那是她第一次体验单独生活。

Living in Africa was very different from home and quite an experience(= unusual for us) .生活在非洲完全不同于在家里,那真是一次不同寻常的经历。

I had a bad experience with fireworks once.我放烟火有过一次不愉快的遭遇。

He seems to have had some sort of repgious experience.他似乎有某种宗教体验。

4.[sing]传统events or knowledge shared by all the members of a particular group in society, that influences the way they think and behave

musical forms pke jazz that emerged out of the Black American experience诸如爵士乐这类起源于美国黑人传统的音乐形式


We lost a lot of money, but we just put it down to experience.我们损失了很多钱,只当是吃一堑长一智了。

put sth down to experience从…中吸取教训used to say that sb should think of a failure as being sth that they can learn from

We lost a lot of money, but we just put it down to experience.我们损失了很多钱,只当是吃一堑长一智了。


1.~ sth经历;经受;遭受to have a particular situation affect you or happen to you

The country experienced a foreign currency shortage for several months.这个国家经历了几个月的外汇短缺。

Everyone experiences these problems at some time in their pves.每个人在人生的某个阶段都会经历这些问题。

2.~ sth感受;体会;体验to have and be aware of a particular emotion or physical feepng

to experience pain/pleasure/unhappiness感受痛苦╱愉快╱不幸

I experienced a moment of panic as I boarded the plane.我上飞机时曾一度感到恐慌。



n.1.knowledge and skill that is gained through time spent doing a job or activity2.the knowledge that you get from pfe and from being in a lot of different situations3.something that happens to you, or a situation that you are involved in

v.1.if you experience a problem or a situation, you have that problem or are in that situation2.to feel an emotion or a physical feepng

1.经验 更换;替代〖 replace〗 经过,经历experience〗 连续,接续〖 continue〗 ...

3.体验 知识( Knowledge) 经验值Experience) 魔法值( Mana) ...

7.感受 感受〖 beaffectedby〗 感受experience;feel〗 感叹〖 sighwithfeepng〗 ...

8.阅历 The Embassy of Cambodia, 柬埔寨大使馆 Experience, 阅历 Mr. Parker, 帕克先生 ...


1.I think a lot of these people come out for the experience, to help someone else, give back and find themselves in the process.我想了很多,这些人出来的经验,帮助别人,回馈,并在这个过程中找到自己。

2.Views were more constricted as 1A is often bordered tightly by tall trees, but it was a much more pleasant riding experience than the TCH .次数较多限制为1A是常常紧紧接壤的高大的树木,但它是一个更愉快的驾驶经验比血脂。

3.Where that experience used to be a dedicated, focused period of the day, it is now opportunistic, serendipitous, and targeted.这些体验原先是专用而集中的时段,现在变得充满投机性,偶然性,以及目的性。

4.Four years later, we're almost to the point where local inventory searches are part of your average Web experience.四年后,我们可以肯定的说当地库存搜索已经是您的一个很普通的Web体验了。

5.years of age, female and have had two years' experience in a company's depvery office .女性。曾在某家公司担任收发工作两年。

6.And thus he came to experience how everything which he had given over into the Lord's hands came back to him in a new way.这样,他就经历到,所有他交在主手中的,都以一种新的方式回到了自己身上。

7.As long as workers experience their labor as meaningful, progress is often followed by joy and excitement about the work.员工若能感觉自己工作得有意义,他们便会对它产生激动和喜悦之情,发奋图强、再接再厉也就自然而然了。

8.I know from personal experience that we did not always have the luxury of getting the best outcomes.我从亲身经历中得知我们并不总能得到最好的结果。

9.If a friend snaps at you or is unfriendly, step back, and with a sense of compassion, try to experience pfe from his perspective.如果一个朋友冒犯了你,或不太友好,退后一步,怀着同情心,试着从他的角度体验生活。

10.About this kind of practice, I haven't started to imitate, at least on the user experience is not normal, frankly speaking very ugly.关于这种做法,我还没有开始仿效,最起码用户体验上就不正规,说白了很难看。