



美式发音: [ɪkˈspaɪr] 英式发音: [ɪkˈspaɪə(r)]



第三人称单数:expires  现在分词:expiring  过去式:expired  同义词

v.die,perish,pass away,pass on,decease



v.1.if an agreement, offer, or official document expires, the period of time during which it exists or can be used comes to an end2.to die

1.期限 D、author( 作者) A、Expires期限) C、Refresh( 刷新) ...

2.过期时间 Domain 与其关联的域。 Expires 的过期日期和时间。 Name 的名称。 ...

4.有效期 employment-permit# 工作许可号码 expires 有效期 employer: 雇主 ...

5.期满 patent 专利, expires 期满 7: respiratory 呼吸道 9: ...

6.失效时间 effective 生效时间 expires 失效时间 publisher 发布者 ...


1.The message will only reappear in the queue when the timeout period expires if, and only if, it has not been deleted by the reading process.只有当超时周期过期时,而且读取消息的应用程序没有删除它,消息才会重新出现在队列中。

2.A year or two before the incentive expires, the success of the incentive should be evaluated.在激励手段期满前一、两年,应评估该激励手段的效果。

3.Koizumi has said he plans to leave office when his term as president of the ruling LDP expires on Sept.小泉说,他计划于9月30日,也就是他做为自民党主席的任期到期时离任。

4.Two years ago, he said he also said he'd quit after season nine, which is when his contract expires.两年之前他就有说第九季之后金盆洗手,届时也正是合约到期之时。

5.Note that this command creates a certificate that expires in 365 days, so you'll need to repeat this step in a year.注意,这个命令创建了一个有效期为365天的证书,因此您需要在一年时间内重复这个步骤。

6.We need only to be patient as the current profit phase expires and a new cash buildup phase gets ready to fuel the next advance.我们只需要耐心的当前利润阶段届满和新的建设阶段得到的现金准备燃料在未来推进。

7.And if the money paid for purchase fails to be returned after the announcement period expires, the money shall be considered illegal gains.公告期限届满仍无法退还的价款,以违法所得论处。

8.Bernanke's four-year term expires in January and the president had not been expected to make an announcement until later this year.伯南克的四年任期将在明年1月届满,外界原先预期奥巴马将在今年稍晚宣布这一提名。

9.The Brazilian's contract expires at the end of this season and his agent Gilmar Rinaldi confirmed that he would not be penning a new deal.这名巴西人的合同将在这个赛季结束时到期,他的经纪人里纳尔迪确认球员将不会续约。

10.Do we ask the diocese to help resolve our differences, or do we hope he'll just leave when his tenure expires in a year?我们应该要求教区,以帮助解决我们的分歧,还是我们只是等着在一年后任职期满后离开?