


美式发音: [rɪˈsivər] 英式发音: [rɪˈsiːvə(r)]



复数:receivers  同义词反义词





1.(电话)听筒,受话器the part of a telephone that you hold close to your mouth and ear

to pick up/lift/put down/replace the receiver拿起╱放回听筒

2.无线电接收机;收音机;电视机a piece of radio or television equipment that changes broadcast signals into sound or pictures

a satellite receiver卫星信号接收机

3.(破产公司的)财产管理人,官方接管人a person who is chosen by a court to be in charge of a company that is bankrupt

to call in the receivers申请委派官方接管人

4.接收者a person who receives sth

Molly's more of a giver than a receiver.莫莉更乐于给予而不是接受。

5.购买(或接受)赃物的人a person who buys or accepts stolen goods, knowing that they have been stolen

6.(前传球的)接球手a player who plays in a position in which the ball can be caught when it is being passed forward


n.1.the part of a phone that you pick up in order to hear and speak, especially on an old-fashioned phone2.the part of a television or radio that receives electronic signals and changes them into pictures and sounds3.a player on a football team who catches the ball when it is thrown by the quarterback4.an official put in charge of a business that has financial problems by a court5.someone who receives something from someone else1.the part of a phone that you pick up in order to hear and speak, especially on an old-fashioned phone2.the part of a television or radio that receives electronic signals and changes them into pictures and sounds3.a player on a football team who catches the ball when it is thrown by the quarterback4.an official put in charge of a business that has financial problems by a court5.someone who receives something from someone else

1.接收器 CARD 卡片 RECEIVER 接收机 CONFIRM 确认、认为 ...

4.接受者 server 发球员 receiver 接球员 changing room 更衣室 ...

6.听筒 麦克风/ microphone 听筒/ Receiver 充电接口/ charger jack ...

7.收件人 receive vt. 收到;得到;接待 receiver n. 收受者,收件人 recent a. 新近的,最近的 ...

8.受话器 ┃ ┣━LCD--- 液晶显示屏 ┃ ┣━Receiver--- 受话器 ┃ ┣━MIC--- 麦克风 ...


1.For your convenience, waybills can be printed with your company details and the destination address if the receiver is a regular customer.为了您的方便,如果收件人是定期客户,运货单能列印您公司的细节及目的地地址。

2.The assumption underlying this experiment was that the receiver would hear the sound, anticipate the shock, and show fear on its face.进行这项实验的假定理论是,接受者会听见声音,预料到电击的到来,脸上会显露出害怕。

3.A girl picked up a wallet on her way home. The phone stopped ringing just as I picked up the receiver.我一拿起听筒,电话就不响了。

4.Dad took the fiddle to the telephone and thumped the strings. Putting the receiver to his ear, he said, "Hear anything. Will? "爸爸把小提琴拿到话机旁,重重地拨弄了几下琴弦。然后他把听筒拿到耳边,问:“威尔,听到吗?”

5.The kick usually has no intended receiver and is usually done to relieve pressure in the goal area.反撞力通常没有意欲的接收器和通常做解除压力在目标区域。

6.I've also heard of that. You see, I'm using an earphone instead of its built-in receiver so I'm suffering less from its radiation.我也听说过。你看,近来我一直用耳机,没用手机内置的听筒,这样我受到的辐射就会小一些吧。

7.The owner was so furious, he slammed down the receiver and went back to bed.店主非常气愤,砰地一声挂上电话又上床去睡。

8.Now you do like this. First pick up the receiver. Then you put the money in. After that, you wait for the dial tone and dial.现在你要这样做。首先拿起听筒。然后放进钱。之后,你就等待拨号音并拨号码了。

9.The receiver is relatively heavy compared with the rest of the rifle, but is still lighter than that of a similarly sized rifle.该机匣和其他的步枪相比是比较沉重,但尽管如始都仍然轻于其他相同大小的步枪。

10.For certificate revocation to work properly, the receiver of the certificate must check to see if it is still valid.为了让证书撤消起作用,证书的接受者必须检查它是否仍然有效。