



美式发音: [ɪkˈspaɪr] 英式发音: [ɪkˈspaɪə(r)]



第三人称单数:expires  现在分词:expiring  过去式:expired  同义词

v.die,perish,pass away,pass on,decease



v.1.if an agreement, offer, or official document expires, the period of time during which it exists or can be used comes to an end2.to die

1.过期操作 ... 非常牢固的互利关系 sopd and mutually beneficial relationship. 到期 expiring 为......干杯 propose a toast to ...

3.即将冷却完毕 ["Expiring"] 即将冷却完毕" ["Height Multipper"] 高度倍增" ...

4.失效期 vapdity 有效期 Expiring 失效期 References 参考文献 ...


1.McGrady is nothing but an expiring contract now, and Yao could be remembered as the greatest what-could've-been story the sport's ever seen.如今麦迪只是一个将要到期的合同球员。姚明可能会被铭记为运动史上史无前例的最最伟大的球员等等。

2.He is having one of the best seasons of his career, and he has a team option on his contract, which, in essence, is an expiring contract.他打出了职业生涯最好的赛季之一的表现,他在合同中拥有球队选择权,最重要的是,他的合同快要到期了。

3.At the time, the system was secretive, and domainers were trying to figure out what names were expiring and when.当时的域名注册系统是秘密运行的,域名投资者得设法推测什么域名会在时候到期。

4.Roche says it has found a way to extract the active ingredient from expiring stockpiles of the antiviral Tamiflu.罗氏公司说它发现了一种从过期的抗病毒药物达菲中提取活性成分的方法。

5.All the Lakers had to give up was an expiring contract, a point guard, and a draft pick, none of which they wanted or needed.湖人所需要放弃的只是一个将要到期的合同,一个控球后卫以及一名选秀得到的球员,而这些他们都不需要。

6.The price of any given drug falls by more than 85% within a year of a patent expiring in markets pke America.在像美国这样的市场中,任何一药品在专利过期的一年内将降价85%以上。

7.The company's expiring contract, MaoNa to keep position misstated pregnant, task of Lin had to be talented company fired.公司合约快到期,毛娜为保住职位谎报怀孕,任务超卓的林菲不得已被公司解职。

8.The old goat who I found expiring, died in the mouth of the cave, the next day after I made this discovery.那只垂死的老山羊,在我发现它的第二天,便死在洞口上了。

9.As a consequence of his warranty expiring, Elpot had to pay a high bill for repairs to his car.伊利特因为保固过期得付出高额的维修费用修理他的车子。

10.Mr. Perna also noted that extended jobless benefits and medical-insurance subsidies would be expiring in a few months.佩纳还指出,扩大失业救济和医疗保险补贴的措施可能会在数月内到期结束。