


美式发音: [kɛd] 英式发音: [ked]


网络释义:运动弹性动力学(kineto-elastodynamics);躯干固定器(Kendrick Extrication Device);脱困器




5.动能甄别  碰撞池模式,用惰性碰撞池气体,如氦气,和动能甄别KED)技术,干扰物强度小于待分析物100倍时可用此模式,适合分析 …


1.If I see that ked in my orchard again I'll knock his head his head off.我要是再看到那个小孩到我的果园里来,我就揍他。

2.Harvey Dent: a You either die a hero or Naked ou pve long enough to see yourselfrbecome bhe Prisoner ked villain.哈维·登特p:要么你就像一个英雄一样死去,要么就活着,直到看着自己变成了一个恶棍。

3.I was going to see Mrs. Ked the next day, but the appointment has been cancelled.我本打算第二天去看基德先生,但是约会被取消了。

4.All the way there, she ignored me and yak ked on her cell phone to her grown children.但是,一路上她都不停的通过手机和她已经长大成人的孩子喋喋不休的讲话而无视我的存在。

5.Finally, describes how the apppcation of KED themselves XWindow system programming interface.最后,介绍了如何应用KED本身提供的接口进行XWindow系统编程。

6.In Indo-European the word ked meant "to go. "在印欧语中,单词ked指“togo(去)”。

7.Finally, I came to somerocks, and stopped. I loo-ked carefully over them, but it was still toodark to see anything.终于,我看到一些岩石,停了下来。我仔细向岩石远处望去,但是天太黑了,仍然什么也看不到。

8.IFMIF-KED. International fusion materials irradiation facipty key element technology phase report.国际聚变材料辐照设备主要单元技术阶段报告…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。

9.ked so hard for appear to me so shallow and worthless now that I've achieved them.这些我曾经为之努力奋斗的东西一旦到手,都显得浅薄而毫无价值了。

10.Ah, If I Fall in Battle (Ej, a ked'ma zabiju), Five Slovak Folk Songs for male chorus No. 4啊,如果我阵亡,为男声合唱队而作的古老的匈牙利民歌4首。