



美式发音: [ɪkˈspleɪn] 英式发音: [ɪk'spleɪn]



第三人称单数:explains  现在分词:explaining  过去式:explained  搭配同义词

v.+n.explain reason,explain problem,explain absence,explain meaning,explain point

adv.+v.clearly explain,simply explain,fully explain,completely explain,partly explain




v.1.to tell someone something in a way that helps them understand it better; used about a book or picture2.to give a reason for something that happens, especially when this is not easy to understand; to be the reason for something; used when you want someone to understand and forgive you

1.解释 squeaky adj. 吱吱响的, 发轧声的 explains v. 解释, 说明 sky n. 天, 天空 ...

4.粗沙 米黄色 |Rice 粗沙 |Explains 室内高档装饰.构件 |Indoor high-grade adornment. Component ...

5.特徵 ... explains 特徵,特色;面部特徵,相貌;特写,特载(v.)以…为特色;扮演重要角色 初级 Beginner ...


1.Dan explains that he enjoyed filming that scene with Rupert as they rarely got to film with just the two of them and a lot of dialogue.丹解释说,他喜欢拍那场戏的场景和鲁伯作为他们很少得电影只有他们两个人,有很多对话。

2.Whenever I ask her for help, she's always ready to help and explains to my great satisfaction.我向她请教,她总是有求必应,而且解释得令我十分满意。

3.He explains that although the enemy is stepping up its pace through experience, the good guys are adapting as well.他解释说,尽管敌人不断积累经验加快步伐,但是好的一方也在不断适应。

4.SM explains the kind of epidemiological pattern seen in cancer, and might have a comparable role in many other diseases.钐解释什么样的流行病学模式看待癌症,并可能有类似的作用,许多其他疾病。

5.He explains, "What we have done is taken that material and made it much thicker. We call it a fishnet. "他解释说:“我们所做的是将它增厚,我们称之为渔网。”

6.Data is optimized for the tablet, so as the company explains, a 3-megabyte image may be crunched into a 50-kilobyte file.数据会为了这款平板电脑而进行优化处理,因此正像公司所解释的,一幅3MB的图像可能被压缩成50K的文件。

7."A lot of businesses, especially in the US, have shown interest in it as a relaxation area around the concept of wellbeing, " he explains.“许多公司,特别是在美国,都对它表示出了兴趣,将其视为符合福祉概念的放松区域,”他解释道。

8.that explains, if the portrait you showed Me. be pke, the dark hue I so much admired on the visage of the noble Catalan.这就说明了我看到的那幅画像,我所钦慕的那种微黑的肤色,正是高贵的迦太罗尼亚的特征。

9.Examining one of her paintings, head tilted to the side, she explains, "I suppose you could say I relate to them a lot. "在歪着头欣赏自己的画时,她又说,“我猜你会说我与他们息息相通。”

10.In one, she explains how technology used for docking spacecraft is enabpng thousands of people to see without glasses or contact lenses.在其中一个案例里,她向我们展示了宇宙飞船的对接技术如何帮助成千上万的用户不用戴眼镜和隐形眼镜就能视物。