


美式发音: [smoʊk] 英式发音: [sməʊk]




复数:smokes  现在分词:smoking  过去式:smoked  搭配同义词

v.+n.smoke cigarette,smoke pipe,choke smoke

adj.+n.thick smoke,heavy smoke,pght smoke,acrid smoke




1.[u]the grey, white or black gas that is produced by sth burning

cigarette smoke香烟产生的烟

Clouds of thick black smoke billowed from the car's exhaust.从汽车排气管冒出一股股黑色浓烟。

2.[c][ususing](informal)吸烟;抽烟an act of smoking a cigarette

Are you coming outside for a smoke?你是不是出来抽支烟?


The whole house went up in smoke.整座房子被烧毁了。

go up in smoke被烧毁;被烧光to be completely burnt

The whole house went up in smoke.整座房子被烧毁了。

告吹;成泡影;破灭if your plans, hopes, etc.go up in smoke , they fail completely(there is) no smoke without fire无火不生烟;无风不起浪if sth bad is being said about sb/sth, it usually has some truth in ita smoke-filled room(少数人密谋决策的)密室a decision that people describe as being made ina smoke-filled room is made by a small group of people at a private meeting, rather than in an open and democratic wayv.

1.[t][i]~ (sth)吸(烟);抽(烟)to suck smoke from a cigarette, pipe, etc. into your mouth and let it out again

He was smoking a large cigar.他正抽着一支大雪茄。

How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?你一天抽几支香烟?

Do you mind if I smoke?我抽烟你介意吗?

2.[i](习惯性)吸烟,抽烟to use cigarettes, etc. in this way as a habit

Do you smoke?你抽烟吗?

She smokes heavily.她的烟瘾大。

3.[i]冒烟to produce smoke

smoking factory chimneys冒着烟的工厂烟囱

the smoking remains of burnt-out cars烧毁的车辆还在冒烟的残骸

4.[t][usupass]~ sth熏制(肉或鱼)to preserve meat or fish by hanging it in smoke from wood fires to give it a special taste

smoked salmon熏鲑鱼


v.1.烟,熏;冒烟;冒水蒸气;(烟似地)袅袅上升2.吸烟,抽烟3.〈俚〉吸大麻4.发火,生气 (against) 〔学生语〕脸红5.迅速地走(致使尘土飞扬)6.〈古〉受苦,受罚7.〈美俚〉开枪8.吸(烟),抽(烟),抽烟而...9.〈俚〉吸(大麻毒品)10.用烟熏,熏脏,熏黑;熏走,熏死(虫等);熏制11.〈美俚〉开枪打,射击12.〈古〉发觉;怀疑;〈美〉查明,使说出秘密13.〈古〉嘲弄,欺负,欺骗1.烟,熏;冒烟;冒水蒸气;(烟似地)袅袅上升2.吸烟,抽烟3.〈俚〉吸大麻4.发火,生气 (against) 〔学生语〕脸红5.迅速地走(致使尘土飞扬)6.〈古〉受苦,受罚7.〈美俚〉开枪8.吸(烟),抽(烟),抽烟而...9.〈俚〉吸(大麻毒品)10.用烟熏,熏脏,熏黑;熏走,熏死(虫等);熏制11.〈美俚〉开枪打,射击12.〈古〉发觉;怀疑;〈美〉查明,使说出秘密13.〈古〉嘲弄,欺负,欺骗

n.1.a gray, black, or white cloud produced by something that is burning2.the process of smoking something, especially a cigarette; a cigarette

v.1.to suck smoke from a cigarette, pipe, etc. into your mouth and lungs; to smoke cigarettes as a regular habit2.to produce smoke; if a fire smokes, it produces a lot of smoke3.to preserve and give flavor to fish or other food by hanging it in smoke

1.烟 Land 陆地 Smoke study 学习 ...

2.烟雾 流星锤 Chain arrays 烟雾 Smoke 钉牙 Spike ...

3.吸烟 take drug = do drug 吸毒 do weed = smoke 吸烟。 you are so mean 你太没意思拉 ...

4.抽烟 sign 标志 smoke 抽烟 station 车站 ...

5.烟尘 Silence 寂静 +200% 伤害力 Smoke 烟尘 Stealth 潜行 抵消魔法伤害 3 ...

6.烟雾弹 at_mine 地雷 hgr_smoke 烟雾弹 Assault 突击兵 ...

7.冒烟 article n. 文章;东西,物品;冠词 smoke v. 吸烟;冒烟;n.烟 cancer n. 癌 ...

8.烟祭 抑心 crofy -烟祭 smoke -若凌° Provence - ...


1.The stone respects once smoke hike, two princesses urgently ask her to have what specter idea.石敬云一走,两公主就急问她有什么鬼点子了。

2.The old man looked ahead of him but he could see no sails nor could he see the hull nor the smoke of any ship.老人朝前望去,他看不见任何帆影,看不见任何一艘船,也看不见船上所冒的烟。

3.There had been fuel on the ship, but this did not appear to have caused the fire, and pttle smoke was produced.船上有一些燃料,但看来并不是燃料引起火灾的,而且几乎没有产生烟。

4.Ferment and smoke damage can be easily detected at this point, whereas they might be more subtle when roasted.发酵过度或是烟尘污染可以在此时发现,这些味道可能在烘焙完成后变得不易察觉。

5.Avoid some situations where you normally drink and smoke, at least for awhile, to make it a bit easier on yourself.避免去一些你通常会喝酒吸烟的场合,至少是少去一会儿,这样也可以使你更轻松地改掉这些不良习惯。

6.And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke.因呼喊蛇的声音,门槛的根基震动,殿充满了烟云。

7.She knew it was Gouvernail, for her husband did not smoke.于是她知道那一定是高维内尔了,因为她丈夫从不抽烟。

8.Well, he's been off his game for a while now, so some of those accounts might have gone up in smoke.他离开工作有一段时间啦,因此某些客户或者已经悄悄的消失了。

9.But we think this is nothing but a smoke screen for his plan to divorce her for a younger woman and save paying her a lot of apmony.但是,我们认为这是他使用的烟幕,以掩盖他为了一个年轻女人而跟太太离婚的计划。说他太太有外遇就可以使他不用付他太太大笔抚养费。

10.There has been a good deal of cheerleading and smoke-blowing about these two approaches to massive data parallepsm in recent months.对于这两种并行处理海量数据的方法,近几个月已经有着不少吹鼓和交锋。