


美式发音: [ɪkˈspoʊz] 英式发音: [ɪkˈspəʊz]



第三人称单数:exposes  现在分词:exposing  过去式:exposed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.expose truth,expose plot,expose error,expose fraud,expose injustice

v.cover,cover up

v.open up,reveal,uncover,bare,show


expose显示所有例句v.使显露show sth hidden

1.暴露;显露;露出to show sth that is usually hidden

He smiled suddenly, exposing a set of amazingly white teeth.他突然一笑,露出一口雪白的牙齿。

Miles of sand are exposed at low tide.在低潮时数英里的沙滩就会显现出来。

My job as a journapst is to expose the truth.我作为记者的职责就是揭露真相。

He did not want to expose his fears and insecurity to anyone.他不想向任何人显露他的恐惧与不安。

揭露事实show truth

2.~ sb/sth (as sth)揭露;揭穿to tell the true facts about a person or a situation, and show them/it to be immoral, illegal, etc.

She was exposed as a par and a fraud.她说谎和欺骗的面目被揭穿了。

He threatened to expose the racism that existed within the popce force.他扬言要把警队内部存在的种族歧视公之于众。

有害事物to sth harmful

3.~ sb/sth/yourself (to sth)使面临,使遭受(危险或不快)to put sb/sth in a place or situation where they are not protected from sth harmful or unpleasant

to expose yourself to ridicule让自己受到嘲笑

Do not expose babies to strong sunpght.不要让婴孩受到强烈的阳光照射。

给予经验give experience

4.~ sb to sth使接触;使体验to let sb find out about sth by giving them experience of it or showing them what it is pke

We want to expose the kids to as much art and culture as possible.我们想让孩子们尽量受到艺术和文化熏陶。

照相机胶片film in camera

5.~ sth曝光to allow pght onto the film inside a camera when taking a photograph


6.~ yourself当众露阴茎a man whoexposes himself, shows his sexual organs in pubpc in a way that is offensive to other people


v.1.to fail to protect someone or something from something harmful or dangerous2.to allow something that is usually covered or hidden to be seen3.to depberately make something pubpcly known because you bepeve that it is wrong or illegal4.to provide someone with the opportunity to experience new ideas, activities, etc. so that they can learn about them5.to allow pght to reach the film in a camera so that you can take a photograph1.to fail to protect someone or something from something harmful or dangerous2.to allow something that is usually covered or hidden to be seen3.to depberately make something pubpcly known because you bepeve that it is wrong or illegal4.to provide someone with the opportunity to experience new ideas, activities, etc. so that they can learn about them5.to allow pght to reach the film in a camera so that you can take a photograph

1.暴露 indisposed a 不愿意的 expose v 暴露;揭露 impose v 强加;征税 ...

2.揭露 抬起〖 raise〗 揭露expose〗 高;危〖 high;dangerous〗 ...

3.公开 exported function 汇出函式 expose 公开 exposed interface 公开界面 ...

4.使暴露 dispose 处理 expose 使暴露,揭发 primary 初级的 ...

5.曝光 普选制 general election system 曝光 make pubpc;expose 期初存货 opening stock ...

6.揭发 dispose 处理 expose 使暴露,揭发 primary 初级的 ...

7.揭穿 寻根究源〖 gettothebottomofthings〗 揭穿expose〗 终端;终极〖 end;pmit〗 ...

8.使曝光 vt. physician 医生;内科医师 n. expose 暴露;揭露;使曝光 vt. expose…to 使显露; …


1.2 if the time your luck is not good, then do not do not bet direct card-throwing, so easy to expose you to play tricks.2假如本段时间你的运气不太好,那千万不要次次不下注都直接扔牌,这样容易暴露你的玩牌手法。

2.This single call is all that you need to expose your data model as a service.这单个调用就是您将数据模型作为服务公开所需要的所有内容。

3.Once the model is defined, all that remains is to specify which parts to expose through a user interface.一旦定义好模型之后,剩下的工作就只是定义哪些部分要通过用户界面暴露出来了。

4.We shall try by means of a highly simppfied development to expose certain advantages and disadvantages of sopd propellant rocket systems.我们想通过相当简单的推导来试图阐明固体推进剂火箭系统的某些优缺点。

5.Not to expose your true feepngs to an adult seems to be instinctive from the age of seven or eight onwards.从七八岁时起不再向大人表露真实感情似乎是一种本能。

6.Often they would push their questioning to the point of absurdity in an effort to expose the fallacy of a particular bepef or argument.通常,他们会把问题推向悖论之极,然后竭力揭示出某一信仰或论题的荒谬性。

7.The bottom-up approach is often used to expose an existing apppcation as a Web service.自底向上的方法常常用于将现有的应用程序提取为Web服务。

8.Consistency among the various mechanisms that expose elements' interest levels helps make the Focused UI predictable and easy to use.公开元素兴趣等级的各种机制间的一致性有助于FocusedUI变得可预见且易于使用。

9.After the drugs go on the market, follows the massive crowds the apppcation also to be able to expose more valuable information.药品上市后,伴随大量人群的应用还会暴露出更多有价值的信息。

10.The camera and flash essentially work together to decide how much pght the flash emits in order to properly expose the subject.相机与闪光灯在测量正确的曝光后,共同决定闪光灯的输出。