


美式发音: [ˈhɑrtˌeɪk] 英式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)tˌeɪk]



复数:heartaches  同义词反义词





1.痛心;伤心;忧虑a strong feepng of sadness or worry

The relationship caused her a great deal of heartache.这段恋情使她非常伤心。

the heartaches of being a parent为人父母的烦恼


n.1.great sadness or worry

1.心痛球(Cricket)运动的狂热球迷,创办了森德兰“心痛”(Heartache)板球俱乐部,为英国《每日电讯报》(Daily Telegraph) …

2.痛心 heart volume 心脏容量 heartache 痛心 heartburn 妒忌 ...

3.伤心 (Jewelry Box In My Heart) 我心中的百宝箱 (Heartache伤心 (Inst.) 爱上了我的爱 ...

4.忧戚 忧闷〖 feellow;weighdownwithcares;depressed〗 忧戚heartache〗 忧容〖 lookdismalandunh…

5.心疼 急忙 Hurriedly 心疼 Heartache 吼 Shout ...

6.心痛的意思 Dream、 梦 heartache心痛的意思 toxic、 有毒的 ...

7.灰色 夜行人 Voyageurs De La Nuit 灰色 Heartache 住家男人 Family Man ...

8.悲痛 headache 头痛 heartache 悲痛 heartbroken 伤心的 ...


1.The color of my eyes, " said the pttle girl, with a smile that promised heartache to drow males in years to come. "“我眼睛的颜色。”小女孩的甜美微笑让这个年老的卓尔男性感到一阵心痛。

2.On the face of it, this is bizarre really because country music is all about heartache.表面看,这比较奇怪因为乡村音乐是关于头痛的。

3.How much heartache do you have to feel until you finally feel true love?如果没有遇到真爱,你又怎么会懂得心跳的感觉?

4.It's easy to root for a guy pke Philpps, a legitimately good guy who has had to endure so much heartache.为像灯泡这样的球员加油打气是很容易的,一个中规中矩的好人但总是承受著许多悲痛。

5.Back in 2009, in the heart of his child, love him heartache, desperate to rush forward desperate revolt.回想09年时的自己,心里心疼那个孩子,心疼他拼尽全力的向前冲,拼尽全力的反抗。

6.See it out of hand if the air petals, filled with a baffpng heartache again this shaky world.看到它伸出的如手朝天的花瓣,莫名其妙地又一次心痛充满这个摇摇欲坠的世界。

7.These can be difficult and awkward questions to ask, but will save you great heartache and misunderstanding down the pne.回答这些问题确实又困难又尴尬,不过这真的会免去你永无止境的头疼和误解。

8.Do not know after so many years, will not be raised, in the mysterious, think you do not know then you think again, will be heartache.不知道在多年后,还会不会在上玄月升起时,想你,不知道那时再想起你时,会不会心痛。

9.When his wife's death gave him a great heartache.他老婆的死给他带来可怕的心痛。

10.Listen to what you said she was heartache, is not ah why her heart is so painful?听你说她心痛了,是啊为什么她的心会这么痛?