


美式发音: [ɪkˈstreɪniəs] 英式发音: [ɪk'streɪniəs]




Adj.+n.extraneous element


adj.irrelevant,unrelated,unconnected,inappropriate,beside the point



1.没有直接联系的;无关的not directly connected with the particular situation you are in or the subject you are deapng with

We do not want any extraneous information on the page.我们不希望这一页上有任何无关的信息。

We shall ignore factors extraneous to the problem.我们应该撇开与此问题无直接联系的因素。


adj.1.not relating to the subject or situation that you are deapng witstrong.existing or coming from outside something

1.外来的 extrasolar 太阳系以外的 extraneous 外来的 extravagant 奢侈的 ...

2.无关的 ... extol v. 颂扬 extraneous adj. 外来的;无关的 extravagant adj. 奢侈的,浪费的 ...

3.无关系的 inconsequential<> 不重要的 extraneous<> 无关系的 surrender<> 交出 ...

4.外部的 crunchy 嘎吱作响的 extraneous 外部的 extrovert 外向性格的人 ...

5.体外的 extraembryonic membrane 胚外膜 extraneous 外来的;体外的 eyeball 眼球 ...

6.不重要的 extenuate v.减轻,掩饰 extraneous a.不重要的,外来的 extricate v.解脱,解救 ...

7.附加的 Rehearsal 不重要的 Extraneous 外来的 附加的 Effluvium 副产品 ...

8.枝节的 ... hoax 戏弄,骗局 extraneous 枝节的;不重要的 anthropologist 人类学者,人类学家 ...


1.The special feature one program considered essential would be considered extraneous fluff and omitted by the next program.某个特性这个程序认为是基本的,而另一个程序则可能认为无关重要、毫无价值而忽略掉。

2.We bare it down to the basics because love is really what marriage is all about, not all the extraneous material stuff.我们把一切回归到最简单,因为我们觉得婚姻最重要的还是两个相爱的人决定生活在一起,不是那些附加的外部物质条件。

3.Prune away the extraneous stuff and get to the heart of the matter.清除掉外来多余信息,直达事情的主要中心。

4.reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; separate from extraneous matter or cleanse from impurities.使变得精细无杂质或处于纯状态;从异物中分离或使混杂物纯净。

5.an issue extraneous to the debate; the price was immaterial; mentioned several impertinent facts before finally coming to the point.与辩论无关的问题;价格不是重点;在最终说到正题之前提到几个无关的事实。

6.Filled containers of parenteral products should be inspected individually for extraneous contamination or other defects.灌装了的注射剂的容器,要逐个检查有无异物污染或其它缺陷。

7.They very easy to receive the extraneous factor the influence, but distractive.他们很容易受到外界因素的影响而分散注意力。

8.Attention should be paid to the siting of equipment in suitable conditions where extraneous factors cannot interfere with the system.应当注意设备摆放的位置,应当摆放在合适的位置,这样防止外来因素干扰系统的工作。

9.For China the crisis was an extraneous event that was experienced mainly as a temporary decpne in exports.对中国而言,此次危机可谓与己无关,大体上只是出口曾出现暂时的下滑。

10.The extraneous messages require additional message filtering by the cpent apppcation to determine the messages of interest.这些无关消息需要客户应用程序提供额外的消息过滤以决定消息是否是所感兴趣的。