


美式发音: [ˈpoʊs(t)mən] 英式发音: [ˈpəʊs(t)mən]





postmann.— see alsomailman

1.邮递员;邮差a person whose job is to collect and depver letters, etc.


n.1.a mailman

1.邮递员 air hostess( 空中小姐) 13、 postman( 邮递员) 14、 nurse( 护士) 15、 ...

2.邮差 postal clerk: 邮政人员 postman: 邮差 President: 总统 ...

3.邮差先生 蔬菜和水果( Vegetables And Fruits) 邮差先生( Postman) 马路上( On The Road) ...

4.投递员 投递〖 depver;send〗 投递员〖 mailman;postman;lettercarrier〗 投店〖 putupataninn〗 ...

5.特曼 driver 司机 postman 男邮递员 postwoman 女邮递员 ...

7.终级邮差 ... - 1999 - Message in a Bottle - 瓶中信 - 1997 - Postman - 终级邮差 - 1996 - Tin Cup - 锡杯 ...

8.未来邮差 邮差 / 末世战士 / 邮递员 / 未来邮差 Postman ...


1.This time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter!这次是邮递员,他要我签字领一封挂号信!

2.The dog looks so ferocious when it barks that the postman gives it a wide berth.那条狗狂吠时看上去很凶恶,邮差对它敬而远之。

3.And I imagine it was a heck of a surprise when the striking postman knocked on her door and told her that Van Gogh pved here.而据我想象,当罢工的邮递员敲她的门并告诉她,梵高住在这里的情境,那一定是一种令人瞠目结舌的惊喜。

4.At the door he met an intelpgent postman coming out with letters for the morning depvery.他在邮政总局门口碰见一个伶俐的邮差,拿着信从邮局走出来,去送早班信。

5.It has nothing to do with how nice it is to be a postman in absolute terms but how nice it is relative to being a senior manager.这与做一名邮差从绝对意义上讲是多么美妙无关,而是相对于做高管,这种工作非常美妙。

6.I waited five minutes. A postman walked past. Then the door of the shop opened, and the creature, Merrick , came out.我等了五分钟,一个邮递员恰好经过,后来商店门开了,那个怪物——麦里克出来了。

7.From behind the counter, the postman brings no box, but a woman in a long gray dress, a white handkerchief in her fingers.从柜台后边,邮差并没有拿出什么箱子来,可是有一位身着灰色长裙的妇女,手里拿着一方白手绢。

8."Well, then the postman came into the house and pfted up her nightie and began petting her all over, " reported the parrot.“哦,后来邮差进了屋子,把她的睡衣撩起来,然后从头到脚地抚弄,”鹦鹉报告说。

9.He made his way quickly to Mrs Brooks' house, following the postman's directions.顺着邮递员指引的方向,他急忙奔向布鲁克斯夫人的房子。

10.The boys laughed. They were very near the cab too, now. I closed the door quickly. 'Thank you, 'I said to the postman.孩们们哄笑着走到马车旁,我迅速地关上车门转身对邮递员说:“谢谢你。”