




1.非常抱歉地图系统的错误,库克写了一封公开道歉信,表示感到「非常抱歉」(extremely sorry),甚至建议消费者改用竞争对手的产 …

2.十分抱歉 9. formal sorry: 正式表达了歉意 10. extremely sorry: 十分抱歉! ...

3.万分抱歉出的自家地图 app 表现不佳,Apple 感到「极度地抱歉extremely sorry)」,Apple 的团队将会尽全力让地图 app 变得更好。

5.歉意的地图服务没能兑现这一承诺。我们对此造成的混乱深表歉意(extremely sorry),正在竭尽全力做得更好。……我们会继续不 …

6.十二分抱歉 ... let ~down;owe ~an apology v. 对不起 extremely sorry adj. 十二分抱歉 excuse me v. 抱歉 ...

7.非常对不起,并在次日正式承认该报道是“一篇失实报道”,表示“非常对不起extremely sorry)”,认为中方要求其澄清事实“完全合理”。


1.Kan apologized on Tuesday for the beef incident and said he is extremely sorry he was not able to prevent it from happening.首相菅直人星期二为牛肉事件作出道歉。他说,他为了没有能事先防止事件的发生,感到极度的歉意。

2.I'm extremely sorry, sir. I'll look into the matter right away.非常抱歉,先生,我会立刻调查此事。

3.you this mail to tell you I have to cancel our reservation for the conference room. I'm extremely sorry for any inconvenience caused.您的电话无法接通,所以给您写邮件告诉您我不得不取消明天的预约,对因此造成的任何不便,我表示十分歉意。

4.I was extremely sorry to hear of the fire which destroyed your house . I hasten to offer my sympathy .获悉你的住所在火灾中被毁,极为遗憾。对你的遭遇深表同情。

5.I am extremely sorry for all of you, my heart goes out with your lost.我对此深感难受,我的心情与你们的失落一样难过。

6.Martin was extremely sorry for the injury that Eduardo sustained in the challenge, but Martin went for the ball.虽然马丁为爱德华多在冲撞中受伤感到非常狂躁不安,但是马丁当时是在抢球。

7.i feel extremely sorry to have troubled you so much.看到您为我的事情为难我心里会更加的难过

8.I'm extremely sorry to leave him waiting outside in the rain.非常抱歉让他在雨中等着。

9.m extremely sorry to hear you've had problems .听说您遇到了问题,我感到非常难过。

10.I should be extremely sorry to be giving them any pain.惹他们难过,我会感到万分抱歉的。