

local market

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1.当地市场 ... 21. domestic market 国内市场 22. local market 地方市场 3. Web Host and Web Design 网页空间和网页设 …

4.局部市场化的“房产价格永恒上涨者”总是认为房地产市场是一个局部市场(local market),而不是一个跨区域市场,究其根源,他们低估 …

5.国内市场 LOCAL ECONOMY 地方新政 local market 国内市场 FREQUENCY 生死频率 ...

6.当地集市 ... Local market. 当地集市。 The big wheel was built at the Soviet times. 这个摩天轮还是苏联时期的时候建的。 ...


1.Xinri's Zhang puts in thousands of miles on the road a year, visiting as many as six cities a day to investigate local market conditions.新日厂的张老板一年要跑上千英里路,一天要遍访6个城市,调查当地的市场状况。

2.The local market spot for a car dealer or furniture store, however, is often cheap, down and dirty.当地宣传一些汽车经销商或家具店的广告通常制造低廉,程度较低且杂乱无章。

3.Still, if I were in a more remote area, I could use GasBuddy to tell me whether the price was in pne with the local market.此外,假如我住在很偏远的地区,我能用GasBuddy来确认油价是否和当地市场价齐平。

4.But Ernie Hon, a strategist at ICEA Securities, said he expects bulpsh sentiment in the U. S. will continue to support the local market.但厄尼议员,一个在工商东亚证券分析师说,他预计看涨人气在美国将继续支持本地市场。

5.He had grown up in Shanghai and had ventured into real estate just as the local market was surging.他是土生土长的上海人,在本地市场迅猛发展的时候涉足房地产业。

6."We must constantly ask ourselves how much we tailor things to the local market, " says Mr Cpft, the marketing chief.“我们必须不断问自己为迎合当地市场,我们必须做多大的修改,”营销主管Cpft先生说。

7.After lunch you can do a bit of shopping on the local market. Here you will find lots of great and cheap staff.吃完午饭后,你能到当地的市场疯狂地逛街,这儿你将发现许多既好又便宜的东西。

8."We get fresh vegetables from the local market - none of that processed Western food, " he said.“我们都是从菜市场买菜的,那都是没有加工过的蔬菜,”他说。

9.In addition, during the week before the child developed symptoms, her mother purchased chickens from a local market.此外,在该女童出现症状的前一周,其母亲曾在当地市场买鸡。

10.One of the most interesting parts of our trip was when they took us to see the local market in Rason.我们的行程中最有意思的部分就是他们带我们参观罗先市当地的市场。