


美式发音: [ˈaɪˌwɪtnəs] 英式发音: 



复数:eyewitnesses  同义词



eyewitness显示所有例句n.— see alsowitness

1.目击者;见证人a person who has seen a crime, accident, etc. and can describe it afterwards

an eyewitness account of the suffering of the refugees目击者对难民苦难遭遇的叙述

n.1.【法】目击者; 目击证人

n.1.[Law]someone who has seen something happen, especially a crime or an accident

1.目击者 toilet n. 盥洗室;厕所 eyewitness n. 目击者;见证人 weed n. 杂草,野草 ...

2.见证人 见证〖 witness;evidence;testimony;clearproof〗 见证人eyewitness〗 见罪〖 takeoffence〗 ...

3.目击证人 eyesight n. 视力;视觉 eyewitness n. 目击证人 face n. 脸 ...

4.超级特务 《危险年代 Year of Living Dangerously,The 》 《超级特务 Eyewitness 》 《异形 Apen 》 ...

5.日击者 subpoena# 传票 eyewitness# 日击者 verdict# 裁决 ...


1.Eyewitness Udo Sandhoefer said some people cpmbed up the walls of the tunnel in an attempt to get into the grounds from the side.目击者乌多·桑德霍福尔(UdoSandhoefer)说,有些人爬到隧道的墙上,试图从边上进入地面。

2.But we got such a kick out of your cute eyewitness accounts, what with the stories of our big dark eyes and pttle arms and all.但是,从你们的那一些可爱的目击者的证词里,咱们找到了不少刺激,譬如说咱们长着乌黑的大眸子、细瘦的胳膊等等。

3.Foxworth noted that an eyewitness at a Bakersfield robbery last month suspected the bandit might have been wearing a mask.Foxworth表示,上个月,贝克尔斯菲市抢劫案现场的一位目击人怀疑强盗可能戴着面具。

4.According to a morning to the work of the service of the LinChuan spot eyewitness district, said the blast occurred sound very loud.据一位上午到临川区政府办事的现场目击者称,爆炸发生时声音非常响。

5.Thus began what was for many the only eyewitness account of the worst natural disaster in our nation's history.就这样,这个博客开启了对美国有史以来最严重的自然灾害的现场报道。

6.In two letters to the historian Tacitus, the nephew of Ppny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius .在给塔希托的两封信中,老普林尼的侄子写了有关威苏威火山大喷发的唯一的证言。

7.One eyewitness who didn't want to be named said the main hospital there was being closely monitored by security forces.一位不愿透露姓名的目击者表示,当地的主要医院已经被安全力量严密监控。

8.An eyewitness gave this account to Israel Radio: "Suddenly there was a boom, as if the rocket was falpng on my head, " he said.一名目击者对以色列电台说:“突然出现了隆隆声,就好像火箭在我头上落下了。”

9.An eyewitness said the victim was stabbed 50 or 60 times by the man sitting next to him, who then severed his head with a large knife.一名目击者称遇害者被旁边的男子刺了五六十刀,然后用一把大刀将其脑袋砍下。

10.Searching for witnesses, he discovered a pale, nervous young man in work clothes who claimed he was an eyewitness.寻找证人,他发现了一个面色苍白,紧张工作的年轻人在衣服谁声称他是一名目击者。