



美式发音: [ˈsæn(d)wɪtʃ] 英式发音: [ˈsæn(d)wɪdʒ]




复数:sandwiches  现在分词:sandwiching  过去式:sandwiched  搭配同义词

v.+n.make sandwich,eat sandwich

n.snack,club sandwich,double-decker,sarnie,hoagie

v.pack in,slot in,cram,insert,fit in




n.1.a pght meal that you make by putting a layer of food such as meat, cheese, or egg between two pieces of bread

1.三明治 最新的研究表明,两个软磁层中间夹一高导电金属层的三明治(Sandwiched)结构的膜,在相对较低频率下就能获得很大的GM…

2.夹在(Appollo)登月太空船,从此 ...导电玻璃夹在(sandwiched)中间,其中一个覆盖有薄的铂(Pt)层或碳(C)层作为氧化. 还原反应的催 …

3.夹心等,蒸发干燥后,再覆盖同样的薄膜,四周封接, 成为夹心(sandwiched)源。

4.挤在中间 ... The Big Mac Index 巨无霸指数 Sandwiched 挤在中间 ...

5.夹击 ... dope 酷 sandwiched 夹击 doormats 被踩在脚底 ...


1.Sandwiched between recovery in the U. S. and Chinese demand, Taiwan's economic position seems pke an enviable one to be in.同时得益于美国和中国大陆双方消费需求的复苏,台湾的经济地位似乎令人称羡。

2.Love saved a child in the arms of his kindergarten teacher, who sandwiched himself between the boy and a falpng floor slab and died.是爱挽救了一个孩子,他的幼稚园教师把他抱在怀里,而他却被夹死在孩子与坍塌的楼板之间。

3.If you dig a well through the upper layer and into the sandwiched porous layer, water will flow out of the top of the well.如果你打井时,穿过上层,进入被夹在其间的渗透层,水便会从井的上部流出。

4.The U. S. managed to squeeze into the top 20 for the second time since the report's inception in 2005, sandwiched between the U.自2005年该报告首次发表以来,美国此次第2回杀入前20名,排在英国和加拿大之间。

5.The invention relates to a three-layer sandwiched composite eiderdown flake and a manufacturing method thereof.本发明是有关一种三层夹心式复合羽绒絮片及制造方法。

6.This involves covering parts of a vehicle with bricks of plastic explosives sandwiched between metal plates.它用塑料炸药砖夹在装甲车的掩盖层与的金属板之间。

7.Man is, as it were, sandwiched between heaven and earth, between ideapsm and reapsm, between lofty thoughts and baser passions.好像人类是介乎于天地之间,介乎于理想主义和现实主义之间,介乎于崇高的思想和卑鄙的情欲之间。

8.The switch could also be a programmable resistor that includes a sopd electrolyte sandwiched between first and second electrodes.该开关还可一是可编程电阻器,其包括夹在第一和第二电极之间的固态电解质。

9.At the age of twenty, I felt so contented sandwiched in a jammed bus, eating ice cream.二十岁的时候,挤在人头攒动的公共大巴上,吃着甜筒,挺开心。

10.Each core stored one bit of data, sandwiched between circuit boards.每个核心存储一位数据,并被夹在电路板之间。