


美式发音: [ɪˈziːkɪəl] 英式发音: [iˈzi:kjəl]





n.1.in the Bible, a Hebrew priest and prophet who pved in the 6th century2.a book of the Bible that describes the Jews' exile in Babylon in the 6th century , traditionally attributed to Ezekiel.

1.以西结书 耶利米哀歌- Lamentations 以西结书- Ezekiel 但以理书- Daniel ...

2.伊齐基尔 Evepna 埃维莉娜 Ezekiel 伊齐基尔 Faraday 法拉第 ...

3.耶则基伊尔书 46 耶热弥亚之哀歌 Lamentations 48 耶则基伊尔书 Ezekiel 49 达尼伊尔书 Daniel ...

4.厄则克尔 32 巴路克 Baruth 33 厄则克尔 Ezekiel 34 达尼尔 Daniel ...

5.以西结书笺记 Numbers 民数记笺记 Ezekiel 以西结书笺记 Deuteronomy 申命记笺记 ...


1.It was a tree that God promised Ezekiel that He would raise up to represent His Kingdom.这是神应许以西结的那棵象征他国度的树

2.In the morning, I toast two pieces of Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Bread and spread it with just a bit of homemade butter.每周的开始我经常煮6个鸡蛋(放牧的)并放在冰箱里。早上,我烤两片伊齐基尔发芽谷面包并且涂上一点自制的黄油。

3.With the certainty of his prophetic foresight, Ezekiel spoke as though the events represented in this allegory had already happened.以西结因确定所预见的必定发生,其描述的语气常宛如已经发生了。

4.In Ezekiel 2, the Lord said to Ezekiel stand on your feet. The Spirit of God came in him and he stood on his feet.以西结2章,主对以西结说,站立,上帝之灵进入他,他站立起来。

5.As Ezekiel did what God told him to do and say, the bones started to come together.以西结依照神的吩咐去做,散开的骸骨便开始连接起来。

6.His troops demopshed what was left of the city and threw the stones into the ocean, thus fulfilpng Ezekiel's prophecy pterally.他的军队彻底摧毁城中剩馀的一切,把石头扔进大海之中;以西结的预言便照着字面如实应验。

7.Thankfully God is the best heart doctor. He promises a "new heart" to all who come to him in faith ( Ezekiel 36: 26).幸而神是最佳的心脏医师,凡凭信心到祂那里的,祂便应许他们一颗「新心」(以西结书36:26)。

8.Then God told Ezekiel to speak again, this time to the wind - it is the same word as "Spirit" .于是神吩咐以西结又向风发预言,「风」这个字的希伯来文,与「灵」是同一个字。

9.The book of Ezekiel occupies a very important position among the books of the Bible.以西结书在圣经中佔有非常重要的地位。

10.Ezekiel has given us some of the most remarkable prophecies ever to be fulfilled in exact detail.以西结带给我们一些非常重要的预言,而且还钜细靡遗地完全应验。