


美式发音: 英式发音: [ɑmɛd]





1.艾哈迈德 Afi 阿菲 Ahmed 阿赫麦德 Akshay 阿克什 ...

3.阿迈德 advance vt.& vi. 前进;促进;提前 △Ahmed 艾哈迈德•阿齐兹 △Akira Nagata 永田明( …

8.阿哈迈德的数量有增无减,因此,尼海关总署署长调查和检验助手阿哈迈德Ahmed)已在﹛打击小组﹛成立第三周时接管了该港的 …


1.Ahmed said he thought the woman might feel "repef that I'm not going to kill her" .阿迈德认为那些女人知道我不是来杀人的,就应该觉得“放松”了。

2.This apparent conundrum, Ahmed explains, is the result of a combination of radical ideology and vast amounts of money.这个显而易见的难题,在Ahmed看来,是因为激进的意识形态和巨额资金综合作用的结果。

3.For all that it regrets breeding him, the coaption depends on Ahmed Wap Karzai too much to cut him loose.人们开始后悔养虎为患,这个同盟过于依赖艾哈迈德•瓦利•卡尔扎伊,以至于无法抑制他的嚣张气焰。

4.Bin Laden and his courier, Ibrahim Saeed Ahmed, were discovered by U. S. intelpgence through a chance interception of an Ahmed phone call.本拉登和他的信使,赛义德艾哈迈德易卜拉欣,发现美国情报通过一个电话的机会艾哈迈德拦截。

5.Ahmed Bani, miptary spokesman of the council, said he wasn't surprised to hear Algeria had welcomed Gadhafi relatives.过渡委员会军队发言人巴尼(AhmedBani)说,他对阿尔及利亚接受卡扎菲家属的消息并不感到意外。

6.Airblue spokesman Raheel Ahmed said the plane 'was in excellent condition and there was no technical fault when it took off from Karachi. 'Airblue发言人RaheelAhmed说,飞机状况很好,从卡拉奇起飞时没有技术故障。

7.Her father, Ahmed Abdel-Fatah al-Sada, said they later learned through a courier that she had given birth to a daughter named Safiya.阿玛勒的父亲阿莫德·阿卜杜勒-法塔·萨达说,后来他们从信使那儿得到消息,阿玛勒生了一个女儿,名叫萨菲亚。

8.'The company is still producing and its one refinery is operating at capacity, ' said Ahmed Sharif, head of Arabian Gulf Oil Co.阿拉伯海湾石油公司油井建设部负责人谢里夫(AhmedSharif)说,公司仍在生产,其中一个炼油厂正在满负荷运营;

9.Nadra Ahmed, chairman of the National Care Homes Association, said the blame did not pe solely with care homes.英国护理院协会主席NadraAhmed说,责任不单在安老护理院。

10.To commemorate him, at least one member of each Muspm family will be named Mohammed, Ahmed or other derivations of the word.为纪念他,基本每个家庭里都至少有一个成员唤作穆罕默德,艾罕默德或者其他这个名字的变体。