




1.F22键.... - 计算机基础技能 -... ... VK_F21 的F21键 VK_F22 F22键 VK_F23 F23键 ...

2.美国F22战机 ... 16-17世纪的瓷器 Earthenware_16th-17th_century_ys 美国F22战机 (F22-U…


1.Instinctively, Innes appped his 25 years of experience at Boeing, where he is a manager for the F22 fighter-jet program.Innes本能地想起了他在波音公司担任F22喷射战斗机项目经理工作了25年的经验。

2.The cost isn't as much as the F22, true, but the maintenance is expected to be even higher, which is simply astounding.F35的花费没有F22那么多,这是真的,但是维护费可能会更高,这非常令人震惊。

3.A temperature supervisory system design for F22 production equipment is introduced in this paper .本文介绍了二氟一氯甲烷生产装置温度监控系统的设计。

4.The U. S. Air Force has sent F22 fighters to Okinawa, Japan, for the first time this summer.美国空军已在这个夏天第一次把F22步署到了冲绳。

5.Lockheed Martin also developes those, but they think the JSF is stealth, the F22, the J20, etc. . . LMAO.洛克希德马丁公司也在发展那些东西,但他们以为联合攻击机是隐形的,F22,J20等。

6.The J-20 flat lower fuselage is optimal for all aspect wideband stealth, and emulates the F-22 design closely.歼20平滑的机身底部很好地模仿了F22的设计,是全频隐身的最佳选择。

7.This aircraft is substantially bigger in size in comparison with US's F22andRussia's T50.这架飞机在体型上和美国的F22和俄罗斯的T50相比曾经足够大了。

8.They shot at us! F-22 pilots would never fly below buildings.他们向我们射击!F22战机不会低空飞掠建筑物。

9.QE3 to build 1000 F22, instead of giving away to bankers.第三次量化宽松建造1000架F22,而不是给银行家。