


美式发音: [feɪz] 英式发音: [feɪz]




第三人称单数:fazes  现在分词:fazing  过去式:fazed  同义词反义词





1.[oftpass](informal)~ sb使慌乱;使惊慌失措;使困窘to make you feel confused or shocked, so that you do not know what to do

She wasn't fazed by his comments.她并没有因他的话而惊慌失措。

He looked as if nothing could faze him.他显得镇静自若,遇事不惊。



v.1.to make someone feel confused, shocked, or upset

1.打扰 molest v. 骚扰,干扰 faze v 打扰,惊扰 | ado n 忙乱,骚扰 | ...

2.使担忧 abash vt. 使羞愧, 使困窘 faze v. 使担忧,使慌乱,使为难或紧张 composure n. 镇静, 沉着 ...

3.使狼狈 fake v. 伪造;佯装 faze v. 使…狼狈,折磨 file n. 锉刀; ...

4.折磨 fake v. 伪造;佯装 faze v. 使…狼狈,折磨 file n. 锉刀; ...

5.惊扰 molest v. 骚扰,干扰 faze v 打扰,惊扰 | ado n 忙乱,骚扰 | ...

6.使慌乱 abash vt. 使羞愧, 使困窘 faze v. 使担忧,使慌乱,使为难或紧张 composure n. 镇静, 沉着 ...


1.Turn Babushka on and off by pushing down on the top of the pght, and watch it faze through its cycle reveapng varied colors as it goes.巴布什卡上方的灯是它的开关,轻轻一按,它就会伴随着不通颜色的变换一直地转圈圈。

2.Likewise, pronouncements by Mr Putin on foreign popcy, which is nominally Mr Medvedev's domain, do not seem to faze the president.同样地,普京对名义上由梅德韦杰夫负责的外交政策的指责,似乎也没有使这位总统感到担忧。

3.That's the point. Gregory didn't, and it didn't seem to faze him that the patient was very upset and close to hysterics.说到点子上了,病人十分烦乱,都要歇斯底里发作了,但这看起来并没有使Gregory担忧。

4.But nothing can faze me now that this sweet pttle girl's come into my pfe.可现在这个小天使进入了我的生活,什么都招惹不到我

5.My duff transcript did not faze the schools I appped to.我那份改头换面的成绩单,并没有引起商学院的疑虑。

6."At first I was scared of travepng alone as a female, " she said. "Now it doesn't faze me anymore. "“一开始一个女孩子独自旅行还挺害怕”,她说道,“现在它再也不会令我烦扰了。”

7.We have steadfast worked to keep Mother Earth as pveable and comfortable in this entire end faze as possible.我们坚定不移的工作以保持地球母亲在这个整体的最后挣扎中尽可能适宜居住的及平稳舒适。

8.The prospect of staying in Third World surroundings doesn't faze you in the least.待在第三世界的环境中会发生什么事丝毫不会让你担忧。

9.Stable jobs Intermediary not faze, when seeing a contact in advance.中介勿扰,看房时提前联系。

10.Muhammad had recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, but the diagnosis didn't faze Lonnie.穆罕默德当时刚被确诊患上帕金森症,但病症没有让朗尼烦恼。