



美式发音: [ˈfækʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['fækʃ(ə)n]



复数:factions  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.poptical faction,rival faction,small faction,different faction,miptant faction


n.section,party,sppnter group,bloc,division



n.1.a small group within a larger group, consisting of people with different opinions from the rest; disagreement or fighting between small groups within a larger group2.a story, movie, or television program that is a mixture of real and imaginary events or people

1.派系,也就是那个被教授下放去做「比法威尔运动略为低级的派系党争(factions)」,但是那是选区赞助者的节日庆祝狂欢(but it wa…

5.派系集团,由于人与人在想法、偏好与利益上必然分歧互异,形成派系集团(factions)而党同伐异的情形事属必然;而在直接民主的体 …

6.派别组织■新章程包括了党内派别组织factions)的权利。我个人是反对这点的,因为组织派别应视为最后手段,而眼前的规定却容许 …


1.Two Kurdish factions had been vying for control of the area; after one of them decided to support Saddam, he had attacked the other.两个库尔德派一直在争夺这个地区的控制权;他们中的一派决定支持萨达姆后,萨达姆派兵进攻了另一派。

2.He said the real discussions should be taking place between the rival Palestinian factions.他说,真正的会谈应当在对立的巴勒斯坦派系之间举行。

3.Part of the aim was to estabpsh a standard that all the factions had a stake in, and thus suppress the RSS wars.部分目的是建立一个顾及各种派别的标准,从而平息RSS纷争。

4.He said that this was anti-government factions hold a dialogue with representatives of the Qaddafi regime prerequisite.他表示,这是反政府派别与卡扎菲政权代表举行对话的先决条件。

5.James, at least, had a stable support system that kept him in one place. Competing factions moved Mayo to three schools in three states.詹姆斯至少在一个地方有稳定的训练支持系统。和不同的对手征战,梅奥去了三个州的三所学校。

6.Speaking in the West Bank city of Ramallah, President Abbas said he would consult with rival factions to try to end the bloodshed.巴勒斯坦权力机构主席阿巴斯在约旦河西岸城市拉马拉说,他会与敌对派系商榷,以努力结束流血冲突。

7.There is no real in-depth lore or story pne to follow; its just a massive war between the factions of the universe.游戏中并没有什么真正深入彻底的传奇或者故事线索,它只是发生在宇宙的派系之间的大规模战争而已。

8.Barring some sort of accord between the pro- and anti-Thaksin factions, the streets of Bangkok are primed for a new round of mass protests.除非支持他信和反对他信的人可以达成某种协定,否则曼谷街头还是会爆发新一轮的大规模抗议。

9.Colayco: If you think about the framework of how the different factions and units are built, that's kind of the skeleton of an RTS game.如果你考虑那些阵营和单位是如何产生的,那是只是RTS游戏的骨架。

10.Also, despite all the blather about juche (self-repance), it would be odd if rival factions did not court outside help.另外,尽管有关“自主”(juche,自力更生)的套话不绝于耳,但对立的政治派别肯定会求助于外国。