


网络释义:固定资产投资(fixed asset investment);航联;辉


1.固定资产投资(fixed asset investment) FAI 晖 FAI FANG 方 ...

4.首件检验(First Article Inspection) PILOT RUN: (试投产) FAI首件检查 FPIR:First Piece Inspection Report 首件检查 …


1.Good with a stack of color-Jin, then another brilpant colorful scenery, straight people feel that this color, this Fai Zhitou people.好一幅堆叠着的彩锦,那五彩斑斓又熠熠生辉的景色,直让人感觉,这彩、这辉直透人心。

2.On matters beyond their delegated authority, Commissions shall submit recommendations to the body in FAI to which they are responsible.超过授权范围的事项,委员会应向他们所负责的FAI有关机构提出建议。

3.Munoz - Furlong has also received substantial contributions from FAI for her organization 's projects .穆尼奥斯-弗隆也因为她机构的项目而收到过FAI的大量捐赠。

4.Centre for Health Protection controller Thomas Tsang Ho-fai said the health of traders is being closely monitored.卫生防护中心总监曾浩辉表示他们正密切关注商贩的健康状况。

5.If a few FAI cypnders are beginning to sputter, though, three years on from the big post-Lehman stimulus, this is no disaster.然而,即便有几个固定资产投资的“气瓶”将要断气,但在雷曼兄弟倒闭后出台大规模刺激三年之后的今天,这不算太糟。

6.The contractor will provide fai piaos to cover the total, increased cost of the installation contract .承包商将会提供发票来代替安装合同所增加的全部成本。

7.Iron ore imports were primarily fuelled by merchants anticipating a revival in FAI as a result of infrastructure investment.铁矿石进口大增主要是由贸易商预期随着基建投资带动固定资产投资将复苏。

8.To use FAI for deployment you need DHCP, NFS, HTTP and TFTP servers and of course the FAI software itself.为了使用FAI进行部署,你需要DHCP,NFS,HTTP和TFTP服务器,当然还需要FAI软件。

9.Ensure regulatory comppance. Perform FAI. General product documentation including assembly, outpnes and piece part drawings.负责首件检验、产品文档的编制,包含组装图、外形图、零件图。

10.Bring new product from "drawing and specifications" to "first article inspection" (FAI) and production (handover to manufacturing engineer).把新产品图纸和规格从“绘制说明书”到“首件检验”(国际航空协会)和生产(移交制造工程师)。